Ch.19 \A Little Different\

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Alexis's pov

I sighed it's been 2 days since I saw Harry in person we faced timed but that isn't the same I bit my lip eating at the skin I felt better but I wasn't completely over the throwing up

"Alexis my sweet fang" I looked from my tv to the door to see father "why don't you go look for a wedding dress? it's near enough" I shrugged and got up that was something I could do it was 7:30pm so the time vampires started waking up

I walked down I jumped seeing a woman she waved at me I looked at father he smirked "this is Luna she's going out to help you with a dress" I looked at her her crystal blue hair matched her eyes and the grey tweed skirt suit outfit was a beautiful contrast she looked 18 also "she'll be taking my place" he was probably still scared and didn't want to catch dead blood

I mustered a smile "I love your name it's extravagantly gorgeous" she smiled back blushing as she bowed

"Thank you so much my princess" I walked down and glared at Father I walked out with her she opened her car door for me "I grew up watching you princess I think your so perfect I remember as a kid watching you walk down our street with your father I was wearing a little crown my father threw it telling me it was disrespectful b-but you grabbed it and placed it back on my head y-you told me that... I could be a princess for myself I didn't need anyone to rule over as long as I knew I was princess" I smiled at her

"Well thank you I think you got the point of my message then" she nodded eagerly

"Yes a-and I married myself now and I'm so very honored to be in your presents to help with your special day" she kept her eyes on the road but I could see the twinkle of excitement

"Well he's a very lucky man... I on the other hand hate the man I am to marry He sexually violated me and has come to think he owns me" I gasped when she slammed on the breaks I screamed and braced myself she looked at me in shock she covered her face

"MY PRINCESS" she screamed "IM SORRY IM SO SORRY I DIDNT KNOW" I calmed my heart rate

"Well... I-it's okay warn me next time okay?" she nodded pulling herself together she swallowed

"W-Why are you marrying a man you don't love?" I laughed humorlessly she sounded so shocked and so confused it was amazing how naïve she seemed

"I don't have a choice it's my father's choice he's breeding me so to speak" she fixed her hair

"T-that's not fair to you- Do you love anyone?" I nodded

"I do I love one man very very much and I'd marry him in a heart beat but I can't" we pulled up at a dress/tux shop in human land

"Do forgive me I didn't know" she half pleaded

"It's not your fault lets go look for a dress yes?" We looked in she stayed a good 2 feet behind me I sighed and looked around I walked into the colored dresses she looked like she wanted to object but she wouldn't dare "so Luna tell me about your husband" she looked around playing with her fingers

"He uhh he-"

"What's his name? Occupation? Human or vampire? What's he like?" I encouraged her

"His name is Lee short for Leroy, um he drives the blood trucks and distributes the blood, he's a vampire, I have a picture... Would you like to see?" I nodded she pulled out her phone and showed me

"He's rather attractive" brown eyes, buzz cut, slight stubble, he looked quiet tall but that was in comparison with her and she was short so I'd venture to say he's average height, he was toned, and had a little birth mark on his neck  she smiled widely at my praise

"W-what about your love?"

I bit my lip I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of Harry "that's him but remember no one is to know about him" she held her hand up to cress my phone but her hand didn't touch

"Ooo he's very handsome" she bit her lip "princess material" I laughed she giggled back

"I like you Luna I do" she blushed tremendously making me giggle "what do you think they'd do if I showed up in a bright yellow dress? I'd say I was humped by a highlighter" she laughed whole heartedly

"Ooo princes walk in a green you can say the grass got too touchy and feely" she held out a green dress with flowers that looked more like weeds I laughed

I pulled out a camo dress and just burst out laughing

She and I picked out the more ridiculous dresses we could find and made the crappest jokes possible I sighed then smiled when my phone rang I held up a finger to her and walked to the back which was empty

"Hey babe" I answered

"My love, how are you feeling?" Harry questioned sympathetically

"Much much better Harry I made a charming new friend her name is Luna isn't that a beautiful name? Luna?" He chuckled

"I'm so very glad your feeling better that means I can se you soon" he hummed happily "Luna is a very unique name it seems your speed" I giggled "so what are you up to?

"Wedding dress shopping" I answered twisting my necklace

"Great okay find one for our wedding" I giggled

"I wish Harry I really do" he sighed "so what are you up too?"

"Reading" he answered a book slamming into a desk followed

"So I hear well I have to go Luna is waiting, but I am feeling better and my father will be out tonight why don't you come see me?"

"Are you sure?" I nodded smiling

"Yes yes yes I barely threw up at all this morning and father hasn't dared to step foot inside my room and Elliot said he doesn't want to see me until I'm done being 'a disease carrying blister to him' whatever had him form that arrangement of words I have idea I could have eaten alphabet soup and shit out a better insult" I heard Harry chuckling

"Yes you must be feeling better only my baby love could come up with such brilliant insults my god I love you baby" I giggled at his bright excited tone

"I love you too see you at .... 7am?"

"Will do have fun be safe, I love you very much" he made a kissing noise and hung up I smiled how could I resist that damn goofball

I turn and I screamed softly when a man was standing ,now, in front of me but I laughed seeing it was just Sebastian

"Alexis" he cheered a greeting pulling me for a hug I hugged back

"Sebastian you scared the hell out of me, what are you doing here?" He pulled away

"My sisters wedding is soon I have to have a white tux" he scanned me over he smiled

"Congrats!" he again spoke OO so peppy I huffed he must know now I'm to be married ,probably seeing me looking at the bridal dresses, hopefully he'd think to Harry

"Uhh thanks" I said lacking even an ounce of cheer or pep or anything he had abundance of

"Are you excited?" He asked frowning

"Well I didn't plan it..." I formed a limp smile

"Aww well that's not fair at all a little miracle is still a miracle planned or not" he reasoned holding my hands I laughed

"If I was cheery as you..." I trailed off making him laugh a little "Well I wouldn't call it a miracle"

He pouted "well call it what you want bun in the oven, bundle of joy, an expected delivery for the stork it's still a little miracle to me"

I furrowed my eye brows and kinda laughed trying to make sense of what he just said "w-wait I'm sorry you have me confused... We are talking about a wedding?"

He looked confused too "a wedding?" He chuckled "my god that mummy brain must be really bad I can smell those hormones from a mile away"

"No no silly I'm talking about your baby"

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