Ch.30|My Dirty Secret|

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Edmund~Vampire King's pov

I paced in the parlor waiting for Elliot to return

He had told me he tracked her and was taking the whole team to get her I would have thought they'd be home by now

Alexis couldn't put up much of a fight with the huge budge in her stomach pregnant women disgust me

So huge, so moody, so unattractive, and then they act like they aren't capable of doing things as if I'd believe that they are just over weight sloths

And Alexis I didn't like her either she wasn't pure she wasn't like me she wasn't normal I'm King it made me look bad that she was different but Elliot could probably change some of that shame

It'd be so great to say my son -in -law had royal blood me being a royal myself and me being the father- in- law made me better still 

I hated how I had to stay positive around him I had to hold my Elliot could do no wrong attitude but I have to make him happy for marriage to trap him in

It's all about image how my people see me I have to be the best she wasn't the best and no he wasn't the best but he was royal that could make up for a lot

Even for being the bastard son of a maid

As if on cue Elliot stepped smiling wide "I have your daughter my majesty" I smiled "and her captor" I raised as eyebrow

"Bring him to basement, torture him"

Elliot laughed it was full of humor "it'd be an honor I'll gladly take him down" he turned "BRING HER IN"

I watched the team bringing her in she was hanging limply between them they were holding hers elbows and dragging her but it was recent dragging she only had a few small cuts her bump was cut and there were tears in her eyes

I walked over and kneeled down "oooh I know its terrible you missed your wedding we are all terribly sad" I stroked her hair

"I'll take care of her now you can all go now leave the wolf at the door" I dismissed the team they all half bowed and nodded backing out now only Elliot remained ,besides the man kneeling at the door arms, wrists, and ankles taped

I took my hand back wiping it on my pants "where the hell was she?"

"With the Alpha wolf" he pointed to the kneeling man I laughed

"THAT MANGY MUTT?!" I looked at her "your a disgusting slut" I smacked her I heard a growl I looked up the man was heaving I laughed I grabbed Alexis's chin I used my other hand to turn her to face him "what are you gunna do uh?" I pinched hard on her jaw she squeezed her eyes shut

"She's a slut a no good double crossing whore this is not a woman A woman cares for a man they pamper theirs husbands and tend to the children this" I shook her head some

"this a filthy whore, a cross breeder, and nothing more" I let her chin go and grabbed a handful of her hair yanking her head back making her squeal in pain I back handed her and threw her whole body to the side I stepped over her carelessly

The man was now struggling and I heard the tape squeaking as he was growing and transforming I smiled I walked over and pet him then I took off my pure silver cross necklace I dropped it on him

He screamed and squirmed as it landed on his shoulder and the cross stuck burning a cross onto his shoulder "know your place dog" I turned "Elliot have fun" I took my cross back wiping it on my silk shirt to get off blood

"Ooh how are your children?" I gave Elliot my attention and my gaze cocking an eyebrow

"I dunno she fell on the way here I wouldn't be surprised if they were hurt but of course we hope for the best" I nodded with him sympathetically even though his tone told me that fall wasn't a fall at all he'd done something and it was obvious

"Naturally" I sighed hoping this conversation wouldn't lag on he did bore me so Elliot walked over grabbing the wolf by his taped hands

"I'll be back up to get her in an a few hours, 4 or so" he dragging him to the basement Alexis had managed to crank her neck far enough to watch him being dragged she was whimpering but he just gave her very sweetly sad, calm eyes

I smiled and grabbed her picking her up I held her bridal style since there was no other way to hold her

"Elliot is truly an idiot isn't he?" She looked at me questioningly I raised my eyebrows "right?" She nodded "we both know those kids aren't his though I'm sure you made your act very convincing your mother did" I laughed "a bunch of tricky minxes you all are"

She looked confused I walked into my room I put her on the floor on her knees I walked to my bookshelf and pushed it I smiled as it slowly exposed a door

"This was your mother's room" I held up the cross then stuck it into the key hole twisting there was a loud pop and creaking then the door glided open

"Would you like to look around? Mmm you'll be here for awhile" I walked to her I grabbed her pulling her up I pushed her in the room was very small cement floors and one square window but it was a big window for the little room

The walls were covered in chains some higher others on the ground but all ended the same

In cuffs

But some were special and had cranks to shorten or length of at leisure

She looked around then at me I saw goosebumps covering her arms at the only word written a million times all over the walls


"She wasn't My Maryann"

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