Ch.15 |Missing Person|

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Harry's pov

I held the doe by it's limp neck I jumped down and walked to Alexis I smiled as she watched me "here baby girl" I dragged it to her

She hadn't left the cave in weeks and she had just finally healed within the last 24 hours I stayed with her during the night I'd sleep while she would bathe in the waterfall and write little sticky notes and during the day she'd sleep and I'd come to check on her make sure she was okay

What scared me is no one was looking for her I didn't smell anyone around I didn't hear or see anything

She's the damn princess you'd think there'd be 24 hour search parties it had me on edge something was up and we both knew it

She finished drinking and smiled at me she stood and hugged me "thank you I think I'm good to hunt now" I frowned

"Well I dunno I kinda enjoy hunting for you" I kissed her tasting the iron flavored crimson liquid "I like to care for my baby girl" I took it a step farther and reached down pinching her bum she squeaked

"Naughty boy" she said playfully I chuckled and kissed again she put me against a cave wall right next to our bed I smirked at her "I'd spank you if I didn't fear for the life of my own bum after"

I felt a tinge of pride I reached around and spanked her not hard but it sounded loud I pinched "Mmm your so naughty" I kissed on her neck she hummed and titled her head giving me access

I switched us around pinning her to the wall I kissed down her neck and sucked in the top of her chest humming she let me take it even farther slipping my hands up the hem of her shirt

She worked at my pants I chuckled and moaned I kissed her I let her slip in her hand before I tugged down her shorts


I smiled at her getting up and pulling my boxers back on "I'm sorry I can't stay longer I was already supposed to be training I'm gunna get flabby" I laughed she sat up holding the blanket to her bare chest

"Yeah no your not trust me that was a work out for sure if you can make a vampire sore you've worked out" I chuckled

"Yeah I'm going to mostly need upper body work today" I winked

"Uh you might want to leave your shirt on" she commented as I turned to grab my thrown shirt "claw marks" she added

I nodded "of course" I kissed her "go back to bed I've kept you up long enough I'll see you tonight my love" she laid back and cuddled up I got up and walked out I jumped over the water fall and looked around before speeding off

I walked into the gym the guys all looked at me from what they were doing "well well the big guy finally deicides to join the rest of his pack" Jeremy chuckled

"You smell of blood" Patrick laughed

"And of sex" Jeremy added

Jeremy was a childhood friend of mine he was not at all scared to be as bold as possible I smirked at him

"Well you would be correct Jo-me" I teased him using his mothers ooo so affectionate pet name he grinned as if knowing my exact thoughts

"So tell us oooo so grand leader who was the lucky lady?" Jeremy asked the question every other wolf was too scared or didn't know me well enough to ask

"My girlfriend" I smirked Lon went ridged and closed his eyes he opened them and continued to do his scrunches but thankfully everyone else was looking at me and didn't notice

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