Ch.7 \Safe Place\

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Alexis's pov

Harry:can we meet? I know it's later than you'd like but I'm free and the pack is training

I was relaxing in the evening sun it was 3 pm now I didn't like to leave the house this close to sun down but I couldn't help myself I smiled

Me:I'll meet you in the clearing better not keep me waiting

I looked around then jumped off the balcony and walked through the field to the woods I smiled seeing Harry already waiting for me through the trees I ran fast and quicker than he could process I was in front of him giving him a kiss

He jumped then smirked grabbing me kissing back he pulled away "that was good darling" he rubbed my back "I have something for you" he ran behind the nearest tree

I gasped when he pulled out a bouquet of red roses "happy 15th secret meeting baby girl" I giggled and took them

I gasped when he pulled out a bouquet of red roses "happy 15th secret meeting baby girl" I giggled and took them

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"Aww Harry thank you so much I love roses so much" I rubbed my finger on one of the petals "how did you know?"

"You told me one day and I remembered you also told me your favorite color is black and you like the smell of vanilla and that you had a creepy guy stalker which I'm not okay with" he re-called all the little things I had told him I smiled

"You're so sweet" I pecked him again he smiled

"I uhh... I just really like you... M-more than like actually" Harry for once was the flushed one

"I really really like you too Harry" he smiled releasing a heavy sigh of nervousness I put my hand on his face "kiss me"

He smiled and cupped my cheeks tilting his head some he kissed me very passionately if he wasn't holding me I'm sure my knees would give out and I'll fall to the ground into a happy puddle

Every time he kissed me it was just as sweet, soft, and passionate as the first time he pulled away and held me as if he knew I was getting weak in the knees he sat down and put me in his lap his back laying against a tree my back laying on his shoulder

I looked up at him "S-so Harry when you say your pack are you a high ranking wolf?"

"Baby girl" he furrowed his eye brows "I'm Alpha my father is the leader of the wolves"

I went wide eyed "really? Mm I'm gettin kisses from the boss mm I'm doing good" I giggled he chuckled

"Yep no losers baby girl goes straight to the top" he kissed my neck I giggled

We both jumped and froze when we heard rustling in the bushes Harry stood up helping me out he stepped away and I hid the roses behind my back I sighed when a bunny hopped out I groan relaxing

"I hate this!" I frowned looked at Harry  he looked angry

"H-Hate what?" I whispered he could tell I was nervous

He pulled me to him "It's not you I'm just upset because I mean we're hiding in the woods, but in a clearing where everyone can see us and if we aren't paying attention which I know I can't when I have you"

"Then we need a better hiding spot maybe some where higher in the hill?" His eyes lit up he smiled

"I know just the place" he went to grab me and run

"Wait wait snack" I passed him the roses for a second I ran and grabbed the bunny sucking it dry I licked my lips and smiled "okay let's go"

He put me on his back he started walking at first at a normal pace before picking up speed dodging out of the trees and rocks he moved pretty fast for being part human

He stopped at a little waterfall "I used to come here as a kid" he grabbed me and jumped into the cave avoiding the water

There was a pile of animal hides forming a bed type thing

He set me down sitting on the shore "my god Harry it's beautiful here" he smiled

"This is our place baby girl this is where we will come it's on the opposite side of the hill so no one can just stubble upon it" he pulled me next to him I pulled out half the roses I got up and went by the pile and laid them down

"There now I can have my roses you gave me always with me some at house and some here with you" he smiled widely

"you're so smart" I rolled my eyes laughing

"don't laugh it's true" he got up walking to me he kissed me smiling "you're my super smart, beautiful, undead girlfriend"

"Harry you're just... You're a kiss up" I put my hand on his chest giggling he pouted and pulled me to hug him

"No no you're mine you're the best mine, mine" he pouted rubbing his cheek on mind I giggled and kissed him

I frowned looking outside "I'm sorry Harry I have to go the sun is going down"

He looked and sighed nodded "okay well I-I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" I nodded

"Of course love I'll be back we can meet here same time okay?" He nodded kissing me trying to get me into it his hand behind my neck pushing me deeper to keep me here with him and trust me I wanted to, I wanted to be in his arms forever but... I pushed him away "I have to..."

He nodded looking at his feet pinching his lower lip trying not to look upset

I turned waking a few steps he turned still pinching still watching I frowned and jumped up and over the waterfall "good bye" I whispered

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I turned waking a few steps he turned still pinching still watching I frowned and jumped up and over the waterfall "good bye" I whispered

He nodded "good bye baby girl I..." he flashed a small smile in an effort to try to make it seem like he was okay "I'll see you soon"

"Not soon enough"

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