Ch.8 /Don't You Know I Love You/

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Harry's pov

Today was the day it had to be today I couldn't stop thinking about her about... Telling her...

I ran a hand through my hair "I'm just gunna say it just right out with it s-she... She-"

"Harry?" I jumped looking at the water fall Alexis was standing there today it was raining so she was dripping wet she looked amazing though the rain couldn't change anything the white shirt she had on was sticking to her skin showing off her black bra under it the black skinny jeans she had on were even tighter which was nearly impossible

Her pony tail was stringy looking but her hair was mostly dry she must have been covering her head

I smiled "Baby girl" she jumped in I walked to her wrapping my arms around her regardless of worrying about getting myself wet I kissed her and licked my lips

"I see you fixed the 'bed'" she looked at the pile of hides that I have put piled sleeping bags through out to make more of a mattress plus I brought in a soap box and 3 candles and a box of matches Plus a little glass jar to put her roses in

"This looks great Harry" I smiled widely I couldn't help my sense of pride from raging as she complimented me "I brought a little sticky note pad and pen too we can leave notes and 'decorate' our little love nest" she giggled

"Alexis..." She looked up at me from our 'room' as I so affectionately called it "baby girl I have something I should tell you t-that I've been meaning to tell you for... For awhile"

She nodded "yes?"

I held her there in my arms I just paused for a second to take her all in hoping, praying this wouldn't be the last time Her golden eyes glistened when lightening hit, she was gently smiling, her arms wrapped themselves over my shoulders

"Alexis I've been feeling this way f-for a long time.. Um I-" I bit my lip before sighing and tucking in my lips all together

 Um I-" I bit my lip before sighing and tucking in my lips all together

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I sighed again unfolding my lips  "baby girl this is h-hard... I'm not good with w-words and stuff but I... I l-love you" I squeezed my eyes closed for a second in fear of her reaction, in fear of her rejection I peeked open and looked at her when a smack or scream didn't come

"R-really?" I nodded she stared and started to smile with a blush rose in her cheeks "I-I love you too Harry"

I couldn't contain myself I kissed her and pressed her against the stone wall I hummed deeply moving my lips lustfully over hers I put my thumb on her chain and pulled down her lip giving me room to push in my tongue it took her a second but she was getting the hang of it

I pulled away and looked into her eyes "can I be your first?"

Alexis stopped smiling, stopped moving, stopped breathing I had crossed the line crap she's never had a guy and I just tell I love her then ask to fuck her great Harry great your such a genius

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