Ch.18 |Perfect How You Are|

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Alexis's pov

"Harry" I whined in my half sleep

"mm?" He grunted

"I don't feel good" I sat up

We were in his tiny twin sized bed his parents were staying out of town to help organize that new den I was glad I had no scent I couldn't be traced I could freely stay here and no one would be the wiser

I sighed and rubbed my stomach "You think it's the wolf smell?" He asked sitting up "your smelling mum, dad, and me it's probably really over whelming for you" I groaned

"I dunno" I looked at my phone I saw a notification for an event

Meeting for Elliot and Father to pick church for wedding

As if I wasn't sick enough my stomach turned even more I got up I covered my mouth and ran to his bathroom throwing up he jumped up and ran in holding my hair

"I didn't even know vampires got sick" he said surprised

"We have a form of the common cold virus, umm t-this thing it's like chicken pox but we break out with extreme light sensitive skin so you have to be kept in complete darkness or you burn it's called PhotoSen rash, and this awful bug thing that makes blood curdle in your stomach so you have to basically starve till your done called Dead Blood syndrome" I explained then threw up mainly black goo and yellowish acids

"You sound like you have dead blood syndrome" he frowned "looks like it too"

I rubbed my face "uhh y-you get it f-from drinking... from drinking something that eats dead things ,like a buzzard, breathing in the cough of someone who has it or drinking from someone who has it" he rubbed my back

"What have you had recently?" I closed my eyes he obviously know I wasn't around sick people

"Um rabbit and deer" I hiccuped and acid swelled burning my throat

"Uhh what do rabbits eat they are... Herbivores yeah?" He asked trying to think back to forth grade I nodded he sighed "Is there a doctor I can take you to see? Anything I can do?" I gagged again throwing up an even darker thicker liquid this time Harry dropped my hair and gagged himself backing out

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him "w-what?" He covered his nose

"T-that smell is fucking unbearable" my eyes watered I got up my lip trembling

"I want to go home" he then could obviously tell that he hurt my feelings and it wasn't my fault I was feeling sensitive and I wasn't sure why normally I would have took him to get his ovaries back on the outside or anything witty but now I just.... Felt like crying

"Baby girl that's- it's not you darling I could never not want to be around don't go baby please"  he obviously meant it but I still didn't want to stay I'd stink his whole house up

"Harry I need to go home" he sighed and nodded

"Okay I'll drive you to the edge" he flushed the toilet and sighed "no one should mess with you yeah Elliot wouldn't want to get sick neither would your father so at least you have that going for you" he pointed out the lighter side

I nodded "true" he carried me to his car and walked in then came back with a little trash can for me I smiled he got in on his side he grabbed my hand holding it I sighed and laid back in the seat

"Did you take your corset off? I'm sure that would help get some pressure off your stomach" he reasoned I shook my head

"I-I can't" he knew how I felt about myself how I was about my stomach pudge it made me extremely insecure when I didn't have it on even when I dressed causal I had on a compression top under whatever shirt I had on which was just fabric

"Baby girl" he growled he rolled his eyes "first off I've seen ALL of you every inch I ate you not even 24 hours if I didn't like the way you looked your ,normal, tummy and a few stretch marks then Why in the hell would I fuck you senseless any opportunity" I shrugged

"I dunno just m-my pudge makes me feel... Not pretty is all I just I don't like it and m-my stretch marks make me w-want to cry I try to change it but n-nothing ever happens a-and my t-th-"

he pulled over "NO stop right there you say anything not positive about your thighs I'm gunna go fucking crazy" I jumped looked at him wide eyed not expecting his reaction "Your thighs are one of the sexist things about you your thighs Alone could turn me on" he raised an eyebrow seeing as I was trying to avoid looking at him"Look at me, LOOK AT ME NOW BABY GIRL" I looked at him he made a very serious face

"I hate when you say these things okay it's absolute rubbish your so so sexy okay? I don't like ribs, I don't like thigh gaps, I don't like hugging my girlfriend and her bones stabbing me it's not healthy But I am not saying if a girl had those things she wouldn't be pretty she'd need a few cheese burgers but I don't like it it's not attractive to me it's not The only reason you should have space between you thighs is if I'm between them and your stretch marks" he shrugged

"So fucking what OO no there's a small mark my body is ruined what the hell?! No I wouldn't give a shit if you had them or not it literally makes not even a singular difference and your tummy my love is fine just how it is so it stick out a little I don't care I don't at least I get a comfy girlfriend if you didn't have a bit of a tummy when I hugged you it'd be lame I'd be like 'ooo yay I hug a person'" he was extremely sarcastic "no when I hug you I get so fucking excited it's like 'yessss so soft and comfy and love and mmmm yes'" I giggled just a little he chuckled

"Baby girl I don't think you understand how the male mind works uhh example I know how you hate that bit of skin between your chest and arm well guess what I am not looking at that I'm looking at your boobs it's true never have I once gone 'mm she has skin there that's weird' no no I go 'boobs boobs boobs ooo my god big boobs" I giggled again smiling

"Baby girl you nitpick yourself too much you need to understand I would never do that your amazing how you are I wouldn't ask you to change I'd be upset if you changed actually" I smiled I leaned and hugged him

"You're so sweet hazza" I felt him running his hand up my shirt pulling the strings of my corset lose 

"There now it's not all the way off but it's loose" he set me back in my seat we started to drive again

My stomach settled some by the time we got to the edge he let me out "I'd hug you again but then there'd just be more of my stink on you" he leaned to kiss me "I'll see you soon feel better" I nodded I went to back up but he grabbed my hand

"I want updates baby girl tell me how you feel and what's going on" He rubbed his hand over my cheek "I just want to know you're okay, please I know your Miss I could kill you with my glare alone, but I worry about you" I kissed his hand smiling seeing as he genuinely looked worried and sincere

"Of course babe I'll come the soonest I can, when I'm well I love you" I turned walking off but he stayed there until I was too far for him to see

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