Ch.12 |What If I Want a Piece?|

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Harry's pov

I dropped my phone and stood Lon looked down at my screen seeing a very confused Alexis she saw realized something had to be wrong and hung up

He looked at me "you have a little toy now don't you?" He chuckled "That's the one that killed Ron too the little vampire girl mm? She's pretty but..." he licked his lips "that's very scandalous of you Alpha"

The way he sneered at my title was disgusting "you don't say anything about my love" I growled deeply

"She killed a member of your pack, Your brother" he growled "your pack comes before anyone or do you not remember that dear Alpha?"

"Ron got himself killed he left the pack he went to kill an innocent by stander I gave his strict orders he disobeyed his orders" I growled back "if he had stayed together with the rest of us he wouldn't have been killed and there wouldn't even have been a fight "

He stood closer now chest to chest even though he was much shorter and less muscular "it's your job to protect your brothers, your pack"

"he should have been with the rest of us" I growled my nails growing longer Lon cracked his neck

"What's to stop me from telling? I could tell your parents, the council, I could tell the vampire king I'm sure he'd love to know a wolf has soiled his cold blood baby" he attempted to blackmail me "don't you agree?"

"You need to obey your alpha" I snarled at him rolling my shoulders as my bones grew and shifted becoming more wolf like

Lon backed up and swallowed hard I was in near full form now from the chest down I grabbed his neck and picked him up "Your Leader ,Your Alpha is the one you need be concerned with and by law if she is my love she is my mate and she is also your Alpha and we all know then she is your sister and you are to protect her with your life"

Lon's faced drop it was true and he know it I had taken a mate and now she was a part of my pack just as much,if not more so, as my brothers

I dropped him as he started to turn red in frustration he swallowed hard and glared then he dropped in a one kneed bow "Alpha knows best shall I inform the others you've taken a mate?" I shook my head

"No but if I hear you breath a word of this to anyone you're out of the pack, dishonorably released you'll be a lone mutt" his eyes grew wide to be kicked out of a pack is worse than death because then your children and your children's children will live with the big stain of being packless none of dens would take you for generations

"I would never" his words slightly trembled "forgive me I didn't realize... she is my Alpha as well as you are"

"Good boy" I mocked "you may leave" he got up running out as soon as he was gone I huffed a shaky breath my stomach was doing backflips I was getting sicker and sicker with fear regardless of how tough and bold I act I'm scared on the inside just like everyone else

But I'd always take up for Alexis no matter the risk even if it was to just defend her honor she's mine and I'm completely hers her wishes are my bidding

I picked up my phone back up giving myself a second to steady my hand and do calming breaths I called Alexis back and it took till the very last ring for me to hear a small meek "Hello?" I sighed

"It's Harry my love" I heard her sign in relief

"What happened?" She asked I could practically see her bitting the inside of her lips knowing when she was nervous or thinking she would always do that

"Nothing it's okay" I smiled I frowned hearing noises from the other end

"ELLIOT!" I heard her yell I heard more mumbling I stood up again listening "STOP ELLIOT STOP NO!" She screamed I ran out growling

Alexis's pov

"Nothing it's okay" he spoke softly I was so happy he was okay I sighed I sat up when my door handle shook

I covered the phone "who is it?" I jumped when the door burst opened "ELLIOT!" I screamed he walked over

"You were supposed to be at my house hours ago" he growled he went to grab my ankle but I moved my leg he growled and used his speed to grab me

I struggled and screamed "STOP ELLIOT STOP NO!" I cried out head butting him he dropped me I ran to grab my phone he jumped ahead and caught me by the neck he forced a kiss onto my lips I bit his lip he groaned and slapped me

I kicked him and he screamed "you dumb whore" he choked me harder I desperately tried to breath as he kissed me repeatedly not caring that I wasn't kissing back I kept clawing at his wrist and hand ripping and tearing at his skin

"YOU LITTLE BITCH" he pulled out a vile of blood he used his free hand to pinch my cheeks he stuck the vile deep into my mouth to the back of my throat pouring it I cried and felt like I was drowning in the blood I don't know what he wanted me to do I couldn't swallow blood started dripping out of my mouth

"YOU LITTLE BITCH" he pulled out a vile of blood he used his free hand to pinch my cheeks he stuck the vile deep into my mouth to the back of my throat pouring it I cried and felt like I was drowning in the blood I don't know what he wanted me to ...

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He smiled watching me "swallow it, swallow it all" he let me go I quickly swallowed so I could breath he dropped me on the bed and smiled "That blood was laced with enough sleeping pills to put out 2 grown men"

"H-Harry h-help.... p-please" I tried to grab my phone but nothing I couldn't move

He picked me up and it all went black

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