Ch.17 /I See You/

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Harry's pov

I groaned reading over another war book looking for around Alexis's birthday I sighed it was only 4:30 days seem to drag by without Alexis it's been 3 but it felt like a month I groaned throwing the book

It was hard for me to pay anything serious attention the only thing I could focus on was my need for Alexis I was addicted to her and I didn't want to go cold turkey

I looked out the window I jumped and slightly screamed seeing yellow eyes and dark hair

Then Alexis jumped up smirking she dragged her nails on my window giggling her fangs exposed I smirked and blinked a few times just to make sure my lack of her wasn't making me hallucinate I ran and opened the window "Baby Girl your cat eyes scare...

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Then Alexis jumped up smirking she dragged her nails on my window giggling her fangs exposed I smirked and blinked a few times just to make sure my lack of her wasn't making me hallucinate I ran and opened the window "Baby Girl your cat eyes scared the crap out of me" I kissed her deeply

"Mm sorry baby I was waiting for you to see me" she kissed me away I pulled away and looked her over her hair was half up half down her eyes lined in black and heavy sweater weather clothes

I frowned "Alexis is like 80 degrees"

she nodded "I know but I wanted to wear my sweater so shut up" she sat on my bed looking around "nice place"

I chuckled "how'd you even find me?" She looked at me and poked her nose

"I can smell too I tracked you" she sipped from a cup that was absolutely her the black drinking goo just represented her perfectly

"I can smell too I tracked you" she sipped from a cup that was absolutely her the black drinking goo just represented her perfectly

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"What is that?" I asked as she sipped again she frowned

"You don't k- ooo right your guys only do the hunting and eating thing ,you hunt to get your meats and such and only go to grocery stores" she nodded "well it's called Starbucks and I've been craving it a lot lately you can have a sip it's like vanilla ice cream" she held the cup to me I sipped and nodded

"mm I like it" I looked at my door hearing foot steps she looked to I sniffed and sighed "it's fine it's Jeremy my mum and dad are at some meeting to help form a new den"

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