Ch.4 \Preparation\

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Harry's pov

I stood around the grave along with Ronny's parents and his sister

"Ronny was a fighter he wouldn't and couldn't back down from a fight he died in an attack and sure he probably would have preferred that over sickness or old age" my speech was intended to help the families grief not to tell them what Ronny really did

How he got himself killed you can't go rogue and expect that you won't have to pay for it I didn't want him to die I didn't think he deserved that but it happened

And his body was returned that was a pure sign of respect

And he was now buried

I bowed to his parents and stepped away

I was nearly healed my chest was still scared and my hand had to remain wrapped still

I walked to the gym my father, other board members, and my pack

"We should make them pay" one of my men screamed

"He was killed for a reason he disobeyed orders he wouldn't have been attacked if he was with the rest of the men" my father growled back

"What about that girl? your son he was attacked by a female vampire they used weaponry how is that a fair fight?" An elder board member stood up

"Then that is his grudge not ours we can't send our soldiers at her it's a sure sign of our weakness" he slammed his hand on the arm of his wooden chair

"I can handle her she's just a little girl I could understand her use of weaponry I'm 2x the height and strength of her" I cut in walking down the isle between the rows

"See I know my son your alpha could handle one little girl" my father nodded  agreeing with me "he can patrol the forests and catch her durning her hunting and to make up for his burns he shall bring his own weaponry" he stood up


Alexis's pov

I smiled as I finally saw the sun hovering in the middle of the sky knowing it was safe for me to go out knowing Elliot couldn't follow me and my father was sleeping

I opened my sliding glass door closing it behind me and jumping off my balcony I was in my normal clothes black skinny jeans and a black v-neck with combat boots and ,because my father is worried, I had a gun with silver bullets in a holster on my side

I walked through the field behind my house to woods I smiled feeling the sun on my skin a guarantee that this is my time no one could come and bother me

I walked into the woods and hummed looking around for prey I was so thirsty I saw a squirrel but that wasn't worth the effort of catching I ran and climbed a tree I sat on a branch looking around

I crouched smirking I licked my lips and jumped down pouncing onto a buck it struggled a bit before giving it I sat down drinking my nails dug into his skin I closed my eyes humming

I jumped and pulled off when I heard leaves crunching I surveyed my surroundings licking my lips I stood up

I tilted my head to the when a man stepped out I sniffed he was a werewolf

He was tall 6 foot something, his eyes were grassy green, his jaw was clean cut and his lips were full his hair was long reaching his shoulders he had inked skin and very very buff muscles threatened his tanned skin, his shoulders were abnormally broad

He was absolutely handsome I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked at his hand I put my hand on my chest, on my necklace

"You're that vampire girl" when he spoke my heart skipped a beat his voice was... blush inducing deep and raspy

"And you're the wolf" he nodded flexing his hand

"Why are you out it's day light" he watched as I walked right through a ray of sunlight he went wide eyed

"I have a genetic mutation the sun doesn't burn me" I smiled widely

"Holy hell" he scanned me over "that's why you don't smell?"

"I'd hope I don't smell" I stepped closer he looked like he wanted to back up but his feet were rooted to the ground I stood less than a foot from him both of us in a patch of sun ,no doubt he choose this for protection before I had shot down his hopes for figuring out my weakness

As he looked down at me we held eye contact "you're in trouble" he didn't say it threateningly but more of a smug playfulness

"Ooo am I? With who your mummy and daddy?" I returned the playful tone

"Yes actually along with my pack and a few elders They took offense to the murder and my wounds I couldn't imagine why but they do.... But you returned his body didn't you?" He cocked an eyebrow

"I'm just as dumbfounded as you" I nodded "yes I did I know you have your own grave yards and your own process of how you take care of your dead I have no right to stop that process even though I had plenty of reason to kill him"

His face changed it wasn't one specific emotion but the most certain two were confusion and shock

I stepped away hearing a crunch I looked at his hand I saw he had garlic my lip twitch "garlic? What are you having spaghetti?" I snatched it and crushed it in my hand "I'm pure blood garlic is for changed vampires not born vampires you're not funny wolf boy-"

"Harry" he said softly

"Harry you need to read up more on... Wait what?" My harsh tone was stopped and my anger was fizzled

"My name is Harry, Harry Edward Styles" he said again still as soft

I raised an eyebrow "Alexis Ann Silver" He chucked I frowned "what?"

"Silver and I'm a wolf" I couldn't help but laugh he was obviously comfortable enough to make crappy jokes and puns

He smiled he pulled out a bottle of holy water probably from his back pocket he shook it a few droplets hit me I hissed at him but he closed it

I stepped away as he began to lower down he sat on the ground I squinted my eyes at him he pulled out a stake and twisted it in his fingers before also setting it down

He stood and held up his hands "I am now unarmed" he glanced at the gun on my hip

"I can't take the gun off my father insist I wear it and if I returned home without it I'd be dead... Well more so than usual.. But I will unload it and put my bullets into the pocket on the opposite side" he nodded I pulled it out and emptied the bullets into my hand showing him the empty barrel

I stuffed then into my pocket and put the gun back in the holster "What about that necklace?" I put my hand over it

"N-no this isn't a weapon it was my mothers she's now passed and I have never taken it off not since my 10th birthday, when I received it" I tried not to let my depressed expression show through

"I understand now I'm sorry" I shook my head I jumped hearing laughs and cheering of men he looked at me "that's my pack they must be following my sent"

I glanced over his shoulder and nodded I started to back up and turned to get ready to dash

"Wait!" I turned he rubbed his hands together "w-will... Can I see you again?"

I cocked an eyebrow "I'll be hunting tomorrow at day break" I turned and took off

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