Ch.5 /Sun Rise/

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Harry's pov

I waited anxiously why I was so anxious? I'm not willing to dig around inside myself and find out

I snuck out of my window just to make double sure my mother and father didn't hear me leaving it was now 5:30am and if I woke up only to come and wait and she didn't show I'll be beyond pissed

I jumped into a crouching position when I heard foot steps "Harry?" I relaxed hearing Alexis's voice she stood out in front of me I stood up from the fallen tree I was sitting on

"I almost didn't think you'd come" I questioned

"No I come nearly everyday in the early hours of the morning but most of the time I'm out in the afternoon" she smiled kindly

"Are you unarmed?" I asked scanning her up and down

"Pat me down big boy I'm clean" she was very playful she smirked devilishly

I smiled back not a grin an actual smile exposing my pearly daggers called teeth I walked over "I think I will I'm not sure I trust you" I instantly put my hands on her chest I squeezed and bounced them I smirked I can't believe she was actually letting me willing grope her

"I don't feel anything sharp" I moved my hands to her bum I slapped my hand down and cupped it giving a gentle squeeze and a pinch making her whimper and jump closing what little space was left between us

"Mm I think your clean so far" I dragged my hands to her hips and smiled "mhm" I watched her face she was slightly amused so I continued I lowered myself down and dragged my hands down to her thighs I forcibly spread her legs so I could feel down her inner thighs

She was now less confidant looking seeing as I was around her sensitive area I all too slowly rubbed hands up and down her thighs only my thumbs glided on the inside "now I have to check everywhere so don't take offense" before she could question what I meant I cupped her heat and rubbed my index finger just the slightest but putting a needless about of pressure making sure she felt it

Her face turned into almost a horrified one as her cheeks flushed and her eyes went wide she had gasped and since then her hands covered her dropped jaw

I pulled away and stood "you're clean" I grinned

"I can't believe you just did that" she half whispered and half growled

"It's standard" I said cockily she growled I went to back up but before I could she grabbed me, me as in my manhood

I jumped squeezing my eyes closed and fought my every insist I opened my eyes again and looked at her holding up my hands "stay calm love I'm sorry okay I'm sorry slap me, punch me, kick me but don't...don't... I need that okay please" I pleaded

I released a surprisingly loud moan when she applied pressure rubbing her palm some it wasn't too hard but it was pleasuring

"P-please" I begged not sure what exactly I was pleading for at that exact moment

She pulled her hand back and I quickly covered myself ,with both hands, from her she stood cross armed "why am I playing the fondling game with you your just a wanna be wolf"

I cocked an eyebrow "cold one aren't w- wait..." I hissed through my teeth "oops"

She rolled her eyes "I could drink you dry before you even get the chance to yell for your mommy" I nodded and moved my hands from my manhood

"You like sucking baby?" I chuckled She groaned

"You're so immature" she glared when I took a step closer

"Don't you dare" I kept walking slowly one step closer every time "I will fight you" she threatened I got chest to chest with her ,which still left me inches from her body

"Fight me then...little girl" she screamed tackled me pinning me down she got me 3 times right in the jaw before I flipped us

"I'm more of on the top kind of guy I'm very dominant like that" I held her down "but you can most definitely be on top if you want" she blushed deeply she quickly yanked her arms from my grip and kicked me off her

I sat in the dust watching her get up she came walking toward me her black boots kicking up dust that attached itself to the sides of her dark nearly black jeans and some on the hem of her navy tee shirt she put her foot on my chest pushing me back

I laid back hands behind my head "strip for me? I could use it after what you started earlier" she grinded her teeth trying to hide any emotion

I stood up grabbing her foot she stood on her one balanced feet I went wide eyed and she jumped and kicked me directly in my cheek bone I let her foot go "Damn baby I like it rough just as much as the next guy but calm down kitten too much excitement" I rubbed my face

She was struggling to keep her cool and her face was beyond red "STOP IT" she said almost poutingly

I backed her up against a tree "nothing to be so mad about little girl" I smirked "daddy plays nice no matter how angry you get"

She screamed and started wiggling to get away her head was too unclear to stop and think and know she was strong enough to push me off

I leaned to her neck and kissed slowly sucking greedily on her untainted skin her fighting slowly stopped and she slowly moved her hands from pushing my chest to wrapping around my neck I couldn't help but get more excited as she got more into it letting out little gasps and whimpers

I made my mark then wondered my lips up her neck more I hissed and squeezed her hips when my cheek grazed her necklace

"Harry" she said almost in a moan I pulled away smirking


She reeled back a punched me right in the jaw then


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