Ch.22 \It's Not Pink or Blue\

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Alexis's pov

I smiled looking at the list of baby cribs I bit my lip seeing an exquisitely carved black crib I wanted that it was a nice dark black cherry wood I figured that was very unisex but what I was yet to figure out is ..would it give away that they are alpha pups if I got an ultra sound

"Honey" I snapped up my attention on Elliot who was trying to getting me into whatever conversion him and father were in

"Y-yes?" I asked Elliot forced a fake laugh

"We have something to tell your father yes?" He repeated making me nodded

"Yes Father as you know Elliot and are... To be but I couldn't wait" I put a hand on my almost noticeable bit of baby bump "I'm expecting" I smiled

Fathers face was still for a moment ,but if I hadn't known better id say he was twitching.. With what I surely misleadingly pegged as...Anger, but there's no way it was anger this is what father wanted a furthering of the blood line and as far as he knew the blood line was still as pure as it always had been ,in his eyes anyway because Elliot was a little bastard child so that wouldn't be pure blood but father looked over that blemish happily

"You are pregnant then? Why didn't you wait till you were married?" Elliot smirked and put his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer in turn making my chair squeak across the wooden floors giving me 2 reasons to wince in disgust

"You wouldn't believe but I asked the same thing She was just so excited she wanted a baby now I told her she'd be pregnant for the wedding and she still wanted it" he shook his head "it's fine though because when people come for the wedding they will get to see how large her bump is they will take it as a sign of love between us"

I gagged just a little love between me and Harry for sure love between me and Elliot? If the definition for hate you more than the passion of the flames that burn in the firry pits of hell and like we're switched then yes I truly did like him

"And it's planned our wedding is blush pink so if we have a little girl I'm sure her theme will be varying pinks and a little boy would be blues" I frowned deeply

"No" Elliot looked at me from the corner not having the guts to look at me dead on "if it's a girl her theme is Lilac and floral if it's a boy the theme will be Sesame Street"

Elliot shook his head "we never discussed that"

"We never agreed on Pink" I growled he fully turned looking at me obviously bitting his tongue from saying something he knew he couldn't around father

Father stood holding his mistakenly read face and ran a hand through his hair "I will be in my chambers Elliot I believe there's a church sermon your needed at" my father's voice wavered with what sounded like liking Elliot too

"Alexis go up stairs I don't want to see you for the rest of the day" He growled as Elliot got up to leave I nodded sucked for him that's where I've wanted to be this whole time

I sped upstairs locking the door I bit my lip and requested a FaceTime with Harry quickly fixing my hair a bit and licking my lips so they didn't seem so dry

I smiled when he answered "Hey baby girl" he greeted looking me over I giggled "you look flushed you alright?"

I nodded "I just... I haven't seen your face in awhile and... I just really miss you I kinda blushed...a little" he chuckled

"Still blushing for me darling that's sweet" he leaned in and kissed the camera

"Thank you my baby" I did the same then smiled "I finally made a month today and Elliot made me tell father today if I wasn't so sure Father would marry Elliot himself.. I'd say he was angry"

Harry shrugged "Elliot seems like the kind of guy who can't have friends because he burns all his bridges" I nodded agreeing

"So help me if ones a boy his theme is Sesame Street but if ones a girl all I know is lilac and floral I mean I feel bad like there should be a little more to the girl theme" Harry nodded

"Well maybe a wolf? Her animal be the wolf I mean that's a beautiful creature and if this... D-doesn't work out at least she'll have something to remind her of her daddy" I frowned

"Harry don't talk like that" I shook my head my heart hurting thinking of if my babies couldn't have their daddy and were stuck with Elliot

"She will have her real daddy with her but regardless I agree I think a wolf is brilliant they are so pretty" I smiled widely "lilacs and greys and browns ooo that's gunna be so beautiful"

"W-well w-when do you think you could get away?" Harry asked a little worried and anxious

"Well I have an appointment on Tuesday it's in a human doctors office but there is vampires workers but I think either I'll take you or I'll cancel and go to... A wolf Doctor" he made a noise I frowned bitting my lip

"I d-don't think I want to risk my going in with you to a vampire place but...I think I know a doctor that you can go to I-If you want but I don't think you should cancel just go to both to be safe" Harry truly sounded like a father and not going to lie it was hot

"Okay well I want to go with you first so umm you wanna do it Sunday? If you can...?" Today was Friday so that was a decent 48 hour notice

"Yeah yeah of course he'll squeeze me in I'll come get you if you can find some way to get to the edge of vampire land I'll pick you up... Are you having any cravings?"

I thought about it "ooo actually yes I want chocolate but we don't have any here"

"I'll bring you some my love I'll see you Sunday I love you" I smiled

"I love you too, my wolfy curls"

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