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The crew stayed silent after Kanan's words. They didnt know what to think, how can they help their youngest crew member ? Is there anything they could do ?

"I'm gonna go talk to him"Kanan said with a worried voice as he got up and was about to exit the common room 

"Good luck with that"Zeb added rolling his eyes

The crew turned to Zeb muttering "Seriously ?"

"Whaat ? The kid sure is in a bad mood"Zeb said putting his arms up in defense

Kanan sighed and started walking forward towards the door again but Hera stopped him "Do you need know?"

"Thanks Hera but I can get to Ezra's cabin on my own, remeber I see with the force"Kanan answered with a smile as the woman gave him a nod still a bit unsure.

The Jedi knight started walking to Ezra's cabin, while heading there he got an idea for how to cheer him up a bit. A little tradition perhaps. Kanan came in front of Ezra's door and sighed to himself before knocking.

"Ezra?"Kanan said while knocking


"Ezra, you in there?" ...Still nothing

"I'm coming in"Kanan said and opened the door. When he went inside he saw Ezra laying on the bottom bunk but the older man knew he was awake.

"Hey I want to talk to you"Kanan said with a nervous tone

Ezra then looked up, now sitting on the bunk. He looked tired very tired with dark circles around his eyes.

"Did you sleep?"Kanan asked in a worried tone

".....Sorry"Ezra answered with a weak voice, looking away

"There is nothing to apologize for, I stay up all night my self sometimes"Kanan said trying to cheer up the mood but Ezra didnt react or say anything. He grew worried so he sat next to younger boy

"I have an idea"Kanan said with a calming smile. Ezra was still looking down as his Master asked "Do you have a rubber band?" The boy was confused at first but he shook his head meaning ''no''.

"That's okay, I'll give you mine"Kanan said while getting the rubber band from his ponytail, his hair was now loose.

Ezra then looked at Kanan. "Dont worry I have a spare one for myself"

"I'm sorry if I pull your hair a bit, still working on my force sight"The older man continued

Ezra looked down again. "Blast it,wrong choice of words" Kanan thought

He sighed and started making a padawan braid in Ezra's hair. His hair wasn't that long but it was enough.

"Sorry if the braid is slightly...bad"Kanan said

Afterd a few minutes, Ezra looked up realizing what Kanan was doing but didn't react just let him finnish.

"There we go"The older Jedi said with a smile as the teen inspected the braid "Umm master why did you make me a braid?"

Kanan smiled at the question "That's a padawan braid. Masters make their padawans a braid and it a symbol of a Jedi padawan."

"but do I deserve to be a padawan.....I mean I understand if you don't want for me to be your padawan...after what happened...."Ezra was interrupted by Kanan putting his hands gently on the younger boy's shoulders as he spoke

"Ezra you deserve to be a padawan and you will always be my padawan. Nothing can change that".

The boy felt a small spark of joy at Kanan's words was quickly ruled over by doubt. 

"....Thanks Master"Ezra said acting like everything was okay, he realised that his lying habit was coming back a lot lately.

Kanan smiled, glad to hear the boy's voice. But he wanted to ask Ezra about him blocking Kanan out.

"Ezra why-"But Kanan was interrupted by his comlink

"Spectre 1 get to the cockpit now! Chopper is down and I need you to fix the hyper drives. We got another man on board (The doctor) we have to get out of here !"Hera said

"Wait,What what am i hearing,It sounds like TIE fighters"Kanan said 

"In short we are under attack"Hera said

"Okay I'll be right there"Kanan said as he started running, stopping to look at Ezra that now also stood up, prepared for his own task. The older man didnt want to leave.

"Spectre 1 HURRY UP"Hera yelled


Kanan looked at Ezra once more and said "Stay safe,Okay?"

Ezra gave him a nod and the man ran to the cockpit.


"Can you fix the hyperdrive ?" Hera asked as Kanan quickly nodded. But then a cold wave..another dark force signature was felt by both Ezra and Kanan.

The Jedi stopped working on the hyperdrives and looked at one of the TIE fighters.

"Kanan!"Hera yelled " right"Kanan answered quickly returning to work

The same wave of cold hit Ezra as well

"What's happening......I feel cold...but it is not Vader he is more powerful ... this cold is familiar like I felt it before"Ezra said, putting his hands around himself..


There we go,another Chapter done,hope you like it.

Padawan girl out

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