No Longer The Same

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After one hour, Kanan and Ezra finally returned to The Ghost. The crew was waiting for them in the common room. While going there, Ezra was glancing over at Kanan every second checking if he was doing okay.


The doors opened as the two figures stepped in..

"Hey guys, how was the trip?"Sabine asked cheerfully, greeting them

Hera looked at Kanan suspiciously...He had his arm over his other one, like he was hiding something.

Suddenly Ezra spoke in a deep and dark tone "Hera, take Kanan to the med-bay and stich up his wound"

Hera's eyes widened as she rushed to Kanan's side, practically forcing him to reveal the injury "What ?? Kanan you got hurt ??" She said

The older man was about to say something but was interrupted by Ezra that was not looking good, his expression was dark..,with his head down. Speaking with a voice that had no emotipn it was just deep and dark.

"Yes he got hurt and his wound needs to be stiched up"Ezra said while still looking down

"Alright, come on Kanan"Hera said as she gestured the man to follow her but before he did Kanan turned to Ezra, touching his shoulder gently "Hey you okay?" he asked. Ezra needed a few moments but he replied "I'm fine Master"

After Hera went with Kanan, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper were still in the common room with Ezra. Everyone was silent,untill the mandalorian girl broke the silence asking Ezra what happened, she was clearly concerned 

The younger boy looked at her coldly replying in a sad tone "I don't want to talk about it"

After that Sabine stayed silent, she was taken a back how odd he was acting.

"Ezra Kanan will be fine. He is a Jedi gee, it's not like he is dead"Zeb added when Sabine stopped talking.

At that moment Ezra's expression changed into an angry one. He was fuming, ready to snap at anyone

"Oh YEAh ??? Jedi died Zeb !! They died during Order 66 and Kanan BARELY survived, Ahsoka died, she was a great Force user but she still died Zeb ! KANAN could have died on this trip ! YOU DONT GET TO SAY THAT SO CASUALLY.  PEOPLE DIE NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE....I'VE SEEN IT MANY TIMES..INNOCENT people getting killed...My parents...THEY WERE TAKEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME..and..I dont want to see that happend to Kanan or to any of you....I DONT WANT ANYONE I CARE ABOUT DIE IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN !!" The raven haired boy yelled and ran out the doors, to his cabin. Leaving the three figures behind in shock..Sabine could not believe what just happened..Zeb was consumed by guilt and Chopper was for the first time frightened and worried about the kid...


Hera was stiching Kanan's wound untill she saw the man wince and turn his head to the door.

"What's wrong?"Hera asked as Kanan sighed in worry "Ezra...I just felt a wave of anger come from him"

"Don't worry can talk to Ezra after I'm done stiching your wound alright ? And What happened at the trip"Hera asked

"We got attacked by a minstyngar so we had to get out of there. We left most of our stuff behind..sorry about that" Kanan said 

"You two really can't  have one trip without trouble now can you?"Hera said trying to cheer up the situation. The man sighed saying"Yeah, I guess so"


When Hera was done stitching up Kanan, both of them went to the common room. When They got there...they saw Zeb and Sabine just sitting there staring at the floor. The were quiet, and obviously distressed. Even chopper was quiet in the corner.

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