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Ezra's vision was coming true. The Ghost was taking off......and Kanan was on the ramp...

"Worthless,  Pathetic,  streetrat"KAnan said looking down at Ezra as The Ghost got further and further away from the platform, being ready to turn around and leave any second

"....Huh..?"Ezra asked in disbelief. Inside him something broke the moment he heard Kanan say those words..tears were welling up in his eyes, just begging to fall down..With the first tear falling down and the rest following Ezra felt like his whole world was just destroyed. 

His vision was coming true and he knew what will happen next...

"I said you are a Pathetic, worthless streetrat"Kanan said a little louder

"Kanan..Please no !"Ezra said crying even more, his legs were just moments away from giving out..

"You are the worst Padawan a Master CAN HAVE. You are no use to this crew, YOU are no use TO ME"Kanan said with an angry look as he turned his back and walked into the ghost...

The ramp closed....The Ghost was gone in seconds...Ezra's familiy was gone...Kanan was gone...Kanan left him. The only person that Ezra thought of as a father was forever gone and he was left and alone...again...

Ezra dropped on his knees with his legs finally giving out. His sobs intensifies as tears were strolling down his cheeks..

"Why.....What did I do...this is all my fault.....but Kanan is right....I am a PATHETIC WorthLESS STREETRAT !"Ezra said with so many emotion in his voice...he didnt hate anyone more but himself right now..

"NO ONE NEEDS A STREETRAT LIKE ME...I HATE myself....I couldn't do one thing right in my life....I DO deserve to be alone...forever"Ezra said crying. His sense of self was gone completely...he wasnt able to make choices for himself anymore. He was hurt..deeply. Nothing mattered to him now.

"I'm alone......left....again"Ezra said quietly crying even more.

But then The Grand Inquisitor came up to him...


Sorry,this chapter is really short but I am so tired because I just got back from my trip and we were travelling by car all day.But I promised you guys that I will have an update on both my stories today so the update for trust is coming soon.

Padawan girl out.

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