Family by Heart

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Kanan turned around slowly, meeting the yellow eyes staring right back at him "You are a Sith..."

"Yes, I am"Ezra said in a dark tone as he averted his gaze "And you are a Jedi"

"Why did you help us?" The older man asked immedietely, keeping his guard up.

"You are the rebels fighting againts the Empire. I'm on their wanted list, think you can see why"Ezra said bluntly. As they were talking, Hera quietly came to the ramp as well, listening in and helping the ewoks settle down further away from the rest of the crew.

"So were you with the Empire?"Zeb asked, crossing his arms

"I was, but They tricked me and used me. And i'm not a huge fan of people who do that you see"The young sith said

"What did you do then?"Sabine asked curious, as she put her blasters away

"Isnt it obvious ? I escaped and countinued living on the streets"Ezra said

"Wait you ''countinued'' to live on the streets?"Kanan asked a bit concerned

"I lived on the streets before I joined them"

"You joined them despite everything and then left them, how come ?"The Jedi asked looking at the teen suspiciously. Ezra was many things but he wasnt someone with wavering loyalty.

"Actually...I don't know why I joined the empire..I guess my former Master wanted me to or something like that...but I left it because I found out that they were just using me to gain more power and for someone to carry on the sith legacy"

"Didn't the Empire....take your parents away from you ? so why....?"Sabine asked puzzled

"..they did....but....I..somehow forgot all about my previous life when me and my former Master joined the Empire"Ezra said looking down at a mention of his parents

"You keep mentioning your "Master", who are they ?"Kanan asked

Ezra's hear throbbed as he visibly tensed up 

"Darth Maul"

"What??"The crew said completely shocked

"I said my former Master was Darth Maul"Ezra said crossing his arms, being annoyed he had to repeat himself

"Maul is your MASTER ??? how did you two even MEET??"Kanan asked confused and majorly shocked. The on standing before him was Darth Maul's apprentice.

"Well..he came to my tower and at the time I really had nothing to lose but everything to gain with hi offer to become his apprentice. Though he was babbling on about some crew and how they left me. No idea where he got that from, I have always been alone"Ezra explained

Hera winced at his comment...It was to be expected after all, Ezra not remembering anything but it still hurt hearing him say that. 



"So now what?"Ezra asked after some silence between the group

"First we help the ewoks get to the Rebel base"Kanan sighed

"Are you going to drop me off on Lothal?"Ezra crossed his arms leaning on a ladder.

"We'll see. I dont feel comfortable just letting a sith run around"Kanan answered

"Me and Hera will keep watch on the ewoks"Sabine said joining Hera that was trying her best to seem normal

"I'm going to sleep"Zeb said and went to his cabin clearly tired from everything

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