The Nightmare part 4

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The whole crew were crying their eyes out, but still beliving that Ezra would come back.

Kanan was on his knees,on the floor.He didn't know what would he do if his padawan....died.

"This is all my fault, if I told Ezra to stay with Hera on this mission, this would have never happened, Ezra wouldn't be in a COMA!"Kanan said while rising his voice when he said ''coma''.

Then stuff started to float around Kanan and the crew.

"Kanan?"Sabine said

"..........."Kanan stayed silent

"Kanan!"Hera said and tried to touch Kanan's shoulder

Kanan turned around and his eyes were white.

"K-Kanan, y-your eyes"Hera started

"I....c-can't s-see"Kanan was scared and shocked

Then Hera figured out what was happening. Kanan was rejecting the force in him.

"Calm down, it's okay, it's okay,try to re-connect, remeber, you are Ezra's master!,you are not a failure and you will never be, Ezra loves you and misses you, it's NOT your fault that this happened"Hera said

Then Kanan's eyes started to get back to their origional green color.Kanan closed his eyes and sighed.Then Kanan opened his eyes and they were normal again.

"Are you okay?"Zeb asked

"Yeah, I-I'm fine"Kanan said

"Hera, thanks"Kanan said

Hera nodded. 

Then Kanan's eyes started to tear up again on the thought of never seeing Ezra's smile again.

Hera noticed.

"Kanan,if you want, you can go see him"Hera said refering to Ezra

"Are you sure?"Kanan asked

"Yeah"Hera said

Kanan nodded and went inside the med-bay.


Kanan came in and the door closed behind him.

And there was Ezra, lying on the med-bay bed, he looked lifeless and cold.

Kanan came closer to his padawan dropped to his knees when he came in front of the med-bay bed.

Kanan's tears started to fall.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you,Ezra, I know i Disappointed you, again, I'm so sorry"Kanan said while looking at his padawan.

Kanan just sat there,crying, looking at Ezra, and hoping that he would wake up.


Again,a short chapter, you guys are probably like ''Are you serious, EzraBridger17?'', and what can I say I HAVE A GEOGRAPHY FINAL EXAM TOMORROW NOOOOOOO:0, But STILL i hope you enjoyes this chapter:), leave down in the comments what do you think :):)

Padawan girl out.

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