The Rule

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Ezra's eyes opened...

Kanan was overfilled with happiness,Kanan was about to say something but Kanan interrupted

"K-Kanan, H-how are you h-here, you are dead"Ezra said

"What?, I'm not dead, what are you talking about?"Kanan asked

Then Kanan noticed that Ezra's face was completely dark and full of gulit.

"I killed you!, How can you possibly be alive, I stabbed you with my lightsaber, I let the dark side consume me"Ezra said and he let a few tears to fall down his cheek

Then Kanan immedietly hugged Ezra.

"Ezra, you didn't kill me, that other Ezra I was fighting with was not you, you are like a star that shines through darkness, even if you did kill me I would still be proud of you Ezra, because you tried your best to control that darkness in you"Kanan said

"But what did Maul do to me?"Ezra asked

"I don't know, I think that he brought that little spark of darkness in you to the light and that's why you hardly remember a thing about what happened, that was not you"Kanan said with his calming voice

"I'm so sorry,I'm so so sorry for hurting you, I understand that you can't forgive me"Ezra said and his tears were falling down

"Ezra, I forgive you because I love you as my own son and that will never change"Kanan said

"Thank you, Dad"Ezra said

After a few moments, Hera noticed that Ezra was starting to look dizzy.

"Ezra, how are you feeling?"Hera asked

"I guess that I'm okay"Ezra said

Then Hera touched Ezra's forehead, he was burning up.

"You are still in a half come state, lay down, I'll bring you some medicine to ease the dizziness"Hera said

"Hera, really I'm fi-"Ezra was not able to finnish his sentace, he fainted but Kanan cought him.

"Hera what's going on?!"Kanan asked

Hera came quickly came up to Ezra. And checked his state. After a few minutes Hera let out a sigh of relief.

"He is stable, he fainted because his mind is probably exausted"Hera said

Kanan nodded.

"I'll go tell the rest of the crew that Ezra woke up"Hera said

"There is no need for that"Someone said from the med-bay door that was now opened, it was Ashoka

"I told the rest as soon as I heard Kanan and Ezra talking"Ashoka said and smiled

Hera nodded and smiled as well.

"Kanan, if you don't mind, can we talk in private for a minute?"Ashoka said

"Um, Hera can you keep and eye on Ezra?"Kanan asked

"Of course I will"Hera said

Kanan nodded.

Then Kanan and Ashoka went to Kanan's room to talk.


"So what did you want to talk about?"Kanan asked

"It's about Ezra, how I noticed, Ezra is forming to be a Grey Jedi"Ashoka said

"Yeah, he is"Kanan said

"I think I know why Ezra fell in a coma after what happened on Mustafar"Ashoka said

"You do?"Kanan asked

Ashoka nodded.

Ashoka came up to Kanan's table and turned on the chess game.

"There are black and white figures right?"Ashoka asked

"Yeah.."Kanan said

Then Ashoka moved one white figure in the middle of the board and put black figures around the white one.

"What would happen if The black figure erased the white one and replaced it with a black one?"Ashoka asked

"Well, all the figures would be black"Kanan said

Ashoka nodded.

Then Ashoka put one black figure in the middle of the board and put white figures around the black one.

"What if the white figure erased the black figure and replaced it with a white one?"Ashoka asked

"All the figures would be white"Kanan said

"Yes, you see, that's how a pure Jedi and a pure Sith work, When all figures are black and there is no white one, that's a pure sith, but when all figures are white that's a pure Jedi, now what if there was the same number of black figures and white figures?"Ashoka asked

"There would be a balance?"Kanan said

"Exactly, The balance between the light and the dark, that's what Grey Jedi are, but there is always a rule, The balance is not allowed to be broken, if the black figure would delete one white figure, the balance would be broken and the white figure would be ''killed'' off from the game, same goes for the black figures, if the white figure would erase one black figure, that black figure would also be ''killed'' off  from the game"Ashoka said

"So what does this mean?"Kanan asked

"Ezra is not allowed to break the balance, if he has too much light in him,it would hurt him, but if he has too much dark, it would kill him"Ashoka said

"Now it makes sense, Ezra fell in a coma because he broke the balance, but he somehow managed to get it back in place, that's why he woke up"Kanan said

"Yes, and if that happens again, he might not be able to get it back in balance, that's the price all Grey Jedis how to pay"Ashoka said

"Did you ever break the balance?"Kanan asked

"I did"Ashoka said in a more dark and serious voice

Then the door opened , revealing Hera.

"Guys, Ezra is awake"Hera said

"Is he okay?"Kanan asked

"Yeah, he is stable"Hera said

"Can we see him?"Kanan asked

"Of course you can"Hera said

Then Ashoka, Kanan and Hera went to the med-bay....


So yeahh guyss, another chapter donee , yayy, I hope you like it and leave down in the comments what do you think :)

Padawan girl out.

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