A New Beginning

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The Ghost countinued to fight againts the Empire, struggling againts their violent forces. But little did they know that what seemingly was a simple mission, it would have a twist...


"Hera, whats the plan now?"Kanan asked(btw kanan's look is the same,there are no changes)

"We have a mission on...on Lothal,Commander Sato wants us to steal some suppiles that the Empire is transporting today"She said with a voice crack, her mind was occupied with the possiility of encountering someone..

"Mhm..well let's get it over with quickly"Sabine said and the crew nodded in agreement.But something was wrong with Hera, she was actually nervous about something.

"Hera, you okay ?you look really nervous"Kanan added looking over at the twilek

"I'm fine...nothing is wrong, Just tired"Hera attempted to smile back

"You sure?"KAnan asked in worry, 

"I'm sure"

"Alright then, still if you wanna talk about anything we're all here for you"Kanan said as the woman looked at him sincerely "Thats the thing, I cant tell you.." she thought. After that the Ghost went into hyperspace


The Ghost landed swiftly and the ramp opened allowing the ones inside to step out. "OKay so where exactly are the supplies?"Zeb asked, rollinh his eyes a bit

"Beep-bloop(Hera what if we see E-)"

"Chopper"Hera strictly said, "Bleep(Oh yeah)"

Kanan rised an eyebrow looking at the sudden commosion between the two-

"The supplies  are in the city center"The twi lek changed the subject

"Understood, we'll be back soon" Kanan said and the crew went towards the dead looking  city


Ezra was in the center of the citym roaming the streets as he pick pocketed any "rich" looking person. It brought a smile to his face whenever his little daily pick pocketing missions were a success.

"Okay I got the credits"Ezra proudly stated as he climbed on a roof of building, sitting  down to rest a bit. He looked at his new lightsaber,which was pitch black( looks like his old lightsabe-blaster but whithout the blaster part) and one bladed. Ezra sighed at the sight knowing what awaits him when he activates it, nothing more but dissapointment and guilt if the red blade should shine.

"Thank the force that Maul didn't find me for these two months..."

Suddenly he heard the force calling out to him. Ezra rised an eyebrow as he looked around, soon his eyes landed on a man on the street. He had a ponytail and wore green shirt. The man was stadning still observing his surroundings.

Ezra looked down at the man but he didn't want to come down.The Man then suddenly turned to Ezra's direction as the teen bent down in a hurry.


The crew made a plan(Same plan like in The first episode) on how to steal the supplies.But when they reached the city centre Kanan felt something, like a familiar force signature around him so he looked around but saw no one in particular. Despite the thoughts in his mind, he countinued on with the plan.He walked up to Zeb and gave him a sign. Ze nodded firmly.After That Kanan came up to Sabine and Gave her a sign to put the bomb. She did exactly what Kanan told her to do. Just a few moments later a speeder bike that was nearby blew up. The crew was now on the move.

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