The Trial part 2

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The black Spark pulled Kanan in.Kanna found himself in a black room where no light has shone.

"Why is it so dark here?"Kanan said

"And what am I supposed to do n-"Kanan stopped 

All the memories he had with Ezra just went through his head.All the times they laughed,all the times they trained,all the times their bond  was growing but then his last memory with Ezra when Kanan left him because of the poison.ButEzra didn't and still doesn't know why Kanan left him.Then at that last memory something just broke deep inside Kanan.

"Our's completly gone"Kanan said and looked in front of him

There was a dark figure wearing a black cloak with a hood.The Figure came closer to Kanan,then the figure looked up and removed the hood.Nothing prepared him for what he saw.Under that hood there was his Padawan with.....yellow eyes.

"Ezra?"KAnan asked

"Hello...old Master"Ezra said and his cloak disappeared revealing his once orange jumpsuit was now black.And he was holding his lightsaber blaster in his hand

"Now shall we settle this?"Ezra asked and activaded his lightsaber which

"Ezra NO,I'm not going to fight YOU"KAnan said

"We you will be forced to"Ezra said and ran to Kanan

Kanan had no other choice but to block the attack so he activaded his own lighsaber and started to fight Ezra.

The red and the blue blade clashed togather.

"Ezra why are you doing this?"Kanan asked when he blocked Ezra's attack

"You know why"Ezra said and countinued to fight Kanan

"You LEFT ME"Ezra yelled

"Ezra listen to me it was because of the poison"Kanan said 

"I don't belive you and I KNOW that you ALWAYS HATED ME,YOU AND THE CREW"Ezra said

"Ezra please we DON't hate you,we love you"Kanan said

"Well I little too LATE for THAT"Ezra said and attacked KAnan once more

"Ezra please"Kanan said and Ezra rised his lightsaber and Kanan took the chance to hug Ezra and he did.

"Ezra,please,you are my padawan,you are like a son to me so please Come Back To Me"Kanan said with saddnes in his voice

Kanan pulled away from the hug and was in a meditation position in front of Ezra.Kanan was looking directly at Ezra.

"I'm not going to fight you..."Kanan said and placed his lightsaber next to himslef

"And I'm not going to kill you..."Kanna said looked down

Then Ezra rised his lightsaber and The red blade went through only went through him, It didn't kill him.Kanan looked up   and he was back at the temple.

"All the tests you have passed"Master Yoda said

"Was that true?"KAnan asked

"Maybe...Maybe not"Master Yoda said

"How can I know"KAnan asked

"Revealed, the truth will be soon"Master Yoda said

"So I passed the Trial?"Kanan asked

"You did,now you proven that you are ready to have a padawan"Master Yoda said

"Thank you Master Yoda"Kanan said

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