A New Master

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The crew nodded with a sad smile.

Ashoka went to the med-bay to pick Ezra up.


Ashoka entered the med-bay.

"Ezra,You were brave on Malachor,you were always brave and loyal to the rebellion,I know you blamed yourself for the things that happened and I want you to know,It's not your fault.....I will Always remember you Ezra Bridger"Ashoka said and picked up Ezra bridal style.

Ashoka went outside the Ghost and outside the Ghost was the whole rebellion.

Commander Sato came closer to Ezra.

"Ezra,you were an amazing soldier and you were loyal to this Rebellion,I want to thank you for that,you will always be  part of this rebellion"Commander Sato said and the rebels behind him put their hand on their foreheads(You know what I mean,soldier goodbye or something)

When the rebels did that Ezra gave a little smile.Commander Sato smiled as well.

The Phantom was next to the Ghost and Ashoka went in front of the Phantom and The Ghost crew was there.They gave a half happy and sad smile.

Hera came up to Ezra.

"Ezra,I will never forget you,stay strong"Hera said and kissed Ezra on the forehead.

Then Sabine Came closer to Ezra.

"Ez,You will always be my little brother no matter what"Sabine said 

The Zeb walked up to Ezra.

"Ez,You are a brother that I never had and I'm proud to call you my bro"Zeb said

And finally Kanan came closer to Ezra

"Ezra,you are the best padawan a Master can wish for,you will always be like a son to me no matter what,I love you, son"Kanna said and kissed Ezra on the forehead and Ezra smiled with his eyes closed.

Kanan's eyes started to tear up but he took a deep breath and smiled as well.

"Kanan,It will be okay"Ashoka said and Kanan nodded.

Ashoka went inside the Phantom and turned around so The Ghsot crew can see Ezra,they had tears in their eyes and they gave a small nodd and a smile.Ashoka nodded and the ramp closed.And the Phantom flew away in space.Kanan saw The Phantom dissapearing untill it was gone.

"You will always be with us,Ezra"Kanan said and tears started falling down his cheeks


The Phantom was in Hyperspace and Ashoka set the coordinates for Lothal.She turned to Ezra to check his state.He was okay but the Liquid for forgetting started to work and Ezra woke up just for a second untill he fell asleep again.

"The others will forget now...."Ashoka said and looked down


"Ugh"Kanan said

"Ouch,My head hurts"sabine said

"Ouch,What in the Galaxy?"

"I guess Ezra woke up for a sec-"Kanan passed out

At that moment both Zeb and Sabine passed out as well.

"Guys!"Hera said(Hera will always remember Ezra and so will Ashoka,and Yeah I forgot to mention Chopper remember Ezra but he can't tell the others that forgot about Ezra)


Kanan,Sabine and Zeb started to wake up.

"Hey Guys,are you alright?"Hera said

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