The Nightmare part 5

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Kanan was just sitting there, he didn't know what to do anymore, his padawan, HIS SON might be gone.....forever.

Then something interrupted Kanan's crys, it was the heartbeat machine(You know what I mean, that medical thing), it was starting to make very slow  noises, that ment something was terribly wrong and that Ezra's heart might stop.

"HERA!"Kanan yelled


"HERA!"Kanan's voice was heard from the med-bay

"I'm coming!"Hera said with a voice full of worry.

"SAbine,Zeb stay here"Hera said and ran to the med-bay


Hera came inside.

"What happened?!"Hera said and noticed the heartbeat machine

"I don't know, I don't know, the machine started to make very slow noises out of nowhere"Kanan said with panic

Hera came closer to Ezra that wasn't moving even though his heartbeat was really slow.Hera put her hand on Ezra's forehead, he was burning up.

"Kanan, I..I'm sorry, T-There is nothing I can do, Ezra is in a coma,so I can't help him"Hera said

"What can we do!?"Kanan asked

"We have to hope that Ezra will survive this"Hera said with worry


Everything around Ezra was black, it was like a night but without stars.

"What happened?, I-I can't remember anything!"Ezra said and grabbed his head with his hands and fell on his knees.

"Why does it hurt so much?"Ezra said with despair

Then everything started to change around Ezra, he was on....Mustafar?

"What?"Ezra said

Ezra heard something behind him.Ezra turned around.

There were Sabine and Zeb pushing the crates towards the Ghost.

"Sabine?, Zeb?"Ezra asked and ran to them

Ezra wanted to touch sabine's shoulder but Ezra's hand went through it.

"What's happening to me?"Ezra asked.

Then Ezra hear another noise, it sounded like lightsabers.Ezra quickly turned around and saw Kanan and Maul having a lightsaber duel and.....himself on the ground.

"Wait,"Ezra said

Then the vision Ezra(Okay because there are kinda two Ezras right now, when I write only Ezra,that means the Ghost Ezra who's looking at the memory, the vision Ezra is the Ezra in the vision)started to get up from the ground.But something was different, when the vision Ezra got up,his eyes started glowing red, and when he activaded his lightsaber,the blade was red.

"No..."Ezra said

The vision Ezra started to run towards Kanan and he attacked him.

"NO!"Ezra said and started to run towards Kanan. But when he was about to come close to Kanan and the vision Ezra, something stopped him,it was like a wall.

The vision Ezra and Kanan started to fight.

"Stop it!"Ezra said with anger and worry

Then after a few minutes of fighting, Kanan was on the ground and the vision Ezra was holding his red lightsaber above Kanan,ready to kill.Kanan said something but Ezra didn't hear.

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