Jedi training is back

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It's been one week since Ezra reunited with the crew,they were catching up.


Ezra and Kanan were in the common room.

"Okay"Ezra started

"Alright, meet me at the ramp in 10 minutes"Kanan said already knowing what Ezra wanted to ask.

Ezra nodded and went to his and Zeb's cabin.


The door opened and Ezra came in.He picked up some stuff that he will need for Jedi training.But he turned to the table.And there was his Sith lightsaber.Ezra sighed.

"Where is my Real Lightsaber?"Ezra asked himself and picked up his Sith Saber

After a few moments Ezra went to the Ramp.


Kanan was waiting for Ezra.And Then Ezra finally came.

"Okay so,because of all what happened where are we supposed to start with Jedi training?"Ezra asked

"When Jedi fall to The Dark side,they forget everything that they learned about the light we will start from the beginning."Kanan said and then Kanan noticed Ezra hlding his Sith Lightsaber.Ezra noticed that Kanan was looking at his Sith Lightsaber.

"Um...I don't know what to do with it....."Ezra said

"I think I do"Hera said from behind Kanan and Ezra.

Hera was holding Ezra's lightsaber blaster.

"Where did you find it?"Ezra said taking the saber and looking at it

"I..hid it....I had no choice,I'm sorry"Hera said

"It's okay Hera,I'm back and I'm with you guys again,I can't be more happy"Ezra said

"I'm glad to hear that"Hera said and went inside the Ghost

Kanan smiled.

"Okay so First we will do some meditating"Kanan said


Kanan and Ezra went to the grassy fileds on Lothal.


Kanan and Ezra were sitting in meditation positions.

"Okay I did do mediation with Maul but I was thinking about all the bad stuff soo what now?"Ezra asked

"Now you focus,focus on the force"Kanan said

Ezra closed his eyes and tried to focus but then his dark side hit.Ezra saw a flash back of his parents being taken away.

"NO!"Ezra screamed and opened his eyes.When Ezra opened his eyes he saw Kanan trying to shake him awake.

"Ezra,Ezra! are you alright??"Kanan asked with panic

"I guess,this is going to be a lot harder then I thought it would be"Ezra said

"Yeah,when I first started traning you you were just force sensetive,you weren't a dark or light force user but now you were interduced to the Dark side so it will be harder"Kanan said

Ezra sighed and nodded.

"Okay let's try again"Kanan said and Ezra closed his eyes

Everything was okay for first 5 minutes but Ezra's dark side hit again.He remebered Ashoka pushing Ezra on safety while she was fighting Vader on Malachor.Ezra then remebered what he had done.A spark of gulit was created.Kanan felt it

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