Be back soon

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"I....I left Ezra"Kanan said in a shaky voice. His chest tightened from the realisation as the words slipped from his mouth..

"WHAT??"Everyone yelled in response

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LEFT HIM??"Sabine asked getting closer to Kanan as she grabbed his shoulders. Tears were already welling up in her eyes with her voice desperate.

"I said t-things to him....but....I..I didn't want to say them..on the inside I was begging myself to stop but I-I couldnt...I hurt Ezra greatly...but he is like a son to me. I dont know what happened..Kanan said 

"You are the first test subject of that must have been that.."Hera said doing her best to stay calm "That drug and it's creator made you say those things to Ezra. But who...who would want you to leave Ezra?"

Kanan looked suddenly went dark as he said "....The Inquisitor. He injected me with something while we were must have been the drug"

The room fell silent, everyone was at a loss for words. What was Ezra doing now ? Was he okay ?. Their minds were consumed by hurt and questions. Suddenly Kanan rose up his head "We gotta find Ezra and quickly..."

"I'll see with commander Sato if we can locate him. In the meantime try seeing where he is with the force ? It worked before right ?" Hera spoke but the Jedi's looked down saying

"I can't find him with the force....our connection..broke. I'm no longer able to feel his exact location...and it's all my fault. How could have I let that happen ??" Kanan said frantically, guilt consuming him. But then Hera quickly came closer, grabbing the man's shoulders and looking at him straight in the eyes. "It's not your fault and if there is anyone to blame It's The Inquisitor"

"But I SAID THOSE THINGS TO EZRA"Kanan protested "It wont change the fact that i'm the one that said them !"

"You didn't want to, you were controlled"Hera spoke gently...

After a few minutes of calming Kanan down the best she could, Hera got up and went to her room to talk with Commander Sato to ease Kanan's worry.

IN HERA'S CABIN.........

"Commander Sato"Hera said when the hologram appeared

"Hera, how was the mission ?"Commander sato asked with a smile but his expression soon turned worried when he saw Hera's face. She looked tired and very concerned

".....Ezra Bridger is missing. We need to locate him and quickly..Can the rebels check the Imperial Info about the prisioners"Hera asked. Commander Sato winced at the news and sighed slightly saying sofly"Don't worry we'll find him"

Hera nodded in response, looking away slightly.

"How's Kanan taking it?"Commander Sato asked

"....Not good. What happened is quite complicated I'll explain everything at the briefing...."The twi'lek answered as Sato nodded slightly. He saw just how upset the woman was, she was not taking this well herself too..


"I wonder where Ezra is...he's either captured or on the streets again...I'm worried about him"Sabine said while looking down. She was sitting next to Kanan with her hands wrapped around herself

"We are all worried but I'm sure he's alright. The kid's tough"Zeb said in response, trying to comfort the girl. Sabine just nodded slightly, not looking up.

Then Hera came in the Med-bay, she wore a forced calm expression. But it was clear she was upset from the puffiness around her eyes.

"I spoke with commander Sato,He'll check the Empire Prison list and see if Ezra's there"Teh twi'lek spoke 

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