Truth Revealed

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The crew was in the cockpit going over the plan once more.

"Okay so as you know,we need to free some ewok prisioners"Hera started "The plan goes as follows. When we come to the Imperial base on Tatooine, we will sneak inside without any commosion. We know of their location inside the base so all we have to do is pick them up and bring them to the landing platform where i will blast you out. But if the empire was already trasporting them outside while we are there, we will jump in to stop it and quickly gather up everyone where i will pick u up once more. Everyone understand?"

The crew nodded but Ezra......"Aha,sure that will work"

"What do you mean?"Kanan asked a bit annoyed at the teen's sarcastic comment

"I mean that The empire got smarter recently. They have a new security system that only the higher ups know about. As soon as we enter one foot inside we will be noticed, Besides they have a new inquisitor so it wouldnt be smart to-"

"What ?? Since when ? I checked all the inside information and there was nothing on a new inquistor or the nw security system" Sabine stated

" do you know all that?"Kanan asked with a serious face. But as he did he looked directly at the teen..and his response was written all over his dark hunter like expression that clearly stated "dont ask unnecessary questions" A chill ran down Kanan's spine as he decided not to push it for now now.

"So what do you propose Ezra ?"Hera asked 

The boy thought for a second..." Well this particular base at tatooine is quite run down. It will take around 10 minutes for the security system to notice us and notify the higher ups that will send back up. So we have around a 15 minute frame to sneak in and out. And if we dont...lets say if you value your lives we have to make it in and out in that time frame" Ezra smiled but there was a sinister feel aout it. The crew thought about it for a second, and after a few moments Kanan answered with a sigh "Everyone got that ?" The crew nodded in agreement. 

"We'll be there soon be prepared" Hera remarked looking at th white abd blue lines of hyperspace..


The Ghost was landing behind the base as unnoticably as possible. Soon the crew went out fully geared up and ready for th mission

"Okay we are out Spectre 2"Kanan said over the com-link

"Copy that Spectre 1,I'll come for you soon"Hera said and the link shut down

"What now ?" Zeb asked holding his weapon

"Haven't you been listening?"Ezra rolled his eyes

"Wow a teenager listens, lucky me"Kanan said as they started moving

"I learned to listen......"Ezra said quietly..

After a few minutes the crew was hiding behind a pile of sand in front of the base. There were two stormtroopers guarding the back exit.

"Zeb would you kindly?"Kanan asked

"Don't mind if I do"Zeb said and came up to the stormtroopers at the entrance and  punched them, placing their unconcious bodies behind a rock. Zeb started opening the door by hacking the system but it wasn't going that fast.

"Ugh,move slow head"Ezra said and simply put in a few variations of codes in swiftly and just after a few seconds the door opened.

Sabine and Kanan thought''looks like someone is better then Zeb in this''

"Whatever"Zeb said knowing well what they were thinking. As the crew stepped in the base, a small flashing light could be seeon going over their bodies. 

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