A New Beginning part 2

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Hera was standing in front of the boy she saw as a son. He mostly looked the same, afew inches added to his height. but something was different,really different. Instead of Ezra's electric blue eyes....shined yellow eyes. There was a very menancing look in them, almost like of a hunter thats hunting a prey.

Hera was just seemingly standing there to the others, not doing anything and Kanan quickl caught on to the silence. "Hera ?"Kanan called out "Are you okay?"

After a long pause the twi lek answered"I-I'm fine",she knew that she wasn't supposed to tell the crew about Ezra and what happened. But something was confusing her, why didn't the rest of the crew remember Ezra like they were supposed to.....if they saw his eyes they would remember...but Hera wanted to speak to Ashoka before taking action.

"Do you know him?"Kanan asked pointing at Ezra

"I-I don't.."Hera said and Ezra rolled his eyes moving away from the people, as if creating a distance "Of course you don't this is the first time that I'M meeting you people"Ezra said

"So are you going to introduce yourself properly ?"Sabine asked

"Why would I, no one asked m-"Ezra was interrupted by Kanan "What's your name"

Ezra rolled eyes as he calmly said "Ezra, thats my name"

"well Ezra, I'm Kanan and this is Sabine,Zeb and Hera"Kanan said

"Bleep-bloop(What about me rustbucket)"

"And this is chopper"Sabine added but the teen quickly intrrupted th introductions "Okay whatever, can I go now?"

"go where?"Zeb asked

"Back on Lothal"Ezra stated "Ur quite stupid arent you" Just before Zeb could react Hera intrupted "No can do, you will go with us to our base"

"Hera??"The Ghhost crew yelled 

"It's an order"Hera firmly stated ,she wanted Ashoka to see Ezra after all.

"Are you with the Empire?"Sabine asked suddenly. 

"No,I'm not"Ezra said with a disgusted look. "How can we belive you?"Zeb asked crossing his arms

"Because the Empire took my parents away from me"Ezra said looking away "reason enough to hate them dont you think ?"

The room turned silent for a moment but Sabine's curiosity couldnt be pushed back anymore,  breaking the silence as she asked "How come that your eyes are yellow?"

Ezra winced at the question as he thought it over for a few seconds "I was  born with yellow eyes..someone in my family had thm before me "Ezra said nervously

Kanan knew that the teen was lying but didn't say anything seeing how tense he became....

"I will go talk to the Commander..all of you rest"

Hera went to the cockpit with Kanan "Keep an eye on him"


"Hey, what's that on your belt?"Zeb asked from the couch he was sitting on

Ezra had no excuse for that,the black thing on his belt was his lightsaber "Oh..umm that..it's a new...umm...model blaster ?"Ezra said with an idiotic smile

Zeb rised an eyebrow in suspicion but the boy just laughed it off nervously.


The Ghost landed and the ramp opened revealing Commander Sato and Ashoka.(Btw commander Sato remembers Ezra but the other Rebels don't,like Pheonix squadron doesn't remember Ezra)

Commander sato and Ashoka were both in shock as they saw the familiar figure step out of the ship. As she looked closer she quickly saw the yellow eyes the teen now possesed. 

"Ghost crew-"Ashoka started "I'm not in their crew"Ezra interrupted

"Okay,Ghost crew except you E-....I mean kid, you have an emergency mission to free some ewok prisioners at a Ipmerial base on Tatooine. I know you just got back but if we dont act now they will be taken away beyong our reach"Ashoka said

"When do we depart ?"Kanan asked

"In 30 minutes and Hera,can I talk to you in private"Ashoka asked and Hera nodded as the two joined up. But before they could walk away Ezra came up behind thm asking "Am I going on this mission"

Ashoka nodded, taking the chance to take a closer look at the teen. Ezra rolled his eyes at the comment and walked off.

Hera and Ashoka went to her room in the base while the rest of the crew went to get ready for the mission as Ezra waited in front of the ship.


"I can't belive that's Ezra,but I don't understand why didn't the rest of the crew remember him when they saw him"Hera said

"It's because of the colour of his eyes. Indeed i did say the crew will remember if they saw them but they are not identical to what they remember. His blue eyes are the ones that trigger the memories not..."Ashoka explained

"So now the crew can't remember?"Hera said looking down

"No they can't. Still if Ezra's eyes turn blue again thats another story.."ashoka said and Hera nodded in undrstanding. 

Suddenly the com link buzzed informing Hera it was time for the mission.

"Go, its okay just keep an eye on him" Ahsoka said calmly

"I will, i hope everything works out. Who knows ? This may be a new beginning"The twi lek said with a smile..


The crew and Ezra were in the cockpit checking the plan once again and if the ship is in good shape. "Okay everyone ready?"Hera asked. Ezra rolled his eyes as the rest of the crew nodded. Sabin chuckled a bit at the difference of reactions.

The Ghost rised in the air and quickly The Ghost went into hyperspace.


Okay guys,this chapter is kinda short but today was a holiday for me and my family so I'm really super tired.

Padawan girl out.

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