The choice

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Kanan ran to the mad-bay holding Ezra in his arms and the whole crew was behind him.


Kanan set Ezra down on the med-bay bed,and did some tests about Ezra's state.Then Hera came in.

"Ezra..."Hera said and rushed to Ezra's side

Ezra was wearing a black  jumpsuit and his skin and his hair appeared darker.But as moments passed.Ezra's skin and Hair were getting back to their normal color.

Hera started working on Ezra.She was checking the tests and looking for any injuries.

"Guys I'll need you to go outside"Hera said

"Hera,He is my Padaw-"Kanan started

"Kanan"Hera said


Then the crew and ashoka waited in the common room.


Hera finally came to the common room.

"Guys,I have some bad and  good news"Hera said

"Okay,ummm let's see the bad news first"Kanan said

"You see.....because Ezra was through a lot and his mind is exausted.......and it will take time to recover"Hera said

Kanan sighed and looked down

"What are the good news?"Ashoka asked

"The good news is that Ezra has no injuries and he is not in a coma"Hera said

"That's good"Kanan said but sighed again

"Kanan,what's wrong"Hera asked

"It's just...I didn't want Ezra to go through all this...I mean he is only 15 and There is the rebellion,Jedi training,The Empire...I...I didn't want to put Ezra through this"Kanan said

"Kanan are you saying that you are regretting that Ezra got involved with with the rebellion and Jedi Training?"Ashoak asked

"Yes and no....I'm glad that he is my padawan and he is like a son to me,and I'm glad that I met him but for someone like him,a force sensetive,parents that spoke againts the's just too dangerous for him to be in all this.."Kanan said

"I know how you feel but if you want Ezra to be safe....there is a way...but you will have to make a choice..."Ashoka said

"What is it?"Kanan asked

"From the Clone Wars I saved a little bottle of the liquid that can...make you forget things...."Ashoka said

"So are you saying that.....Ezra with the help of that liquid to forget everything and get back to Lothal....."Kanan said

"Kanan,It's your choice"Ashoka said

Kanan nodded and Ashoka went outsode of the common room.

Kanan sighed and went to his room to meditate.


KAnan was on his meditation chair with his eyes closed.

Kanan sighed and opened his eyes.

"What am I supposed to do,I want Ezra to be safe but that would mean that I bring him back on Lothal and he would go back on his old life,living on the streets....."Kanna though

"But I can't,I can't do that!"Kanna said

"But it's for his own safety,maybe I can leave him credits and everything he needs if we bring him back on Lothal and I can leave him credits every week in his tower so he wouldn't have to steal or get in trouble..."Kanan said

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