Chapter 26

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Sorry there was only one update besides this one for the week as I focused on my other Brock book, hopefully I'll update more next week: )

Hope you enjoy this one though xx

"Maybe I love too much.
And maybe I show it too little. "




"You need to stop watching her Brock" I heard that annoying voice and turned away from the screen as they won .

"You need to stop watching her Brock" I heard that annoying voice and turned away from the screen as they won

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"Watching who?" I frowned as I could never stand him from the first time we were put in OVW together.

"My girlfriend, I ain't blind I see you eyeing her around here. You might get higher paychecks than me , company jets and all that because you went out and got famous in the fighting world but just remember it ain't that much higher, everyone knows John Cena only a few knows Brock in this story? I won the ex UFC champ last year and I get the girl" I chuckled at his bragging, she had been at Extreme Rules watching him I had destroyed him but in the end I was conquered due to a blow to my face by the stupid chain he used to wear like a Vanilla Ice fucking wanna be.

"Is that so? " In the weeks before she left I had tried going up to her quite a few times and each time he would push past me or somehow be there so that I could never get her alone.

I hadn't given it much thought until I returned in January. They had been together until her sister dragged her away as I came from the gorilla.

I hadn't meant for my eyes to settle on her but he noticed then and said something about being too late . I ignored him as I had been with Paul.

"Well I have been dating Nikki for the past few months. Ladies like a gentleman not some roughneck" he laughed as he shook his head.

I laughed as well but not because I found him amusing at all, he was pissing me off I hadn't even known why I stopped to watch this fucking match. I just heard her voice as she called her sister for a tag, yeah they were twins but Nicole's voice was different.

"luckily for me I ain't interested in any ladies around here they're all skanks" I shrugged not wanting to show any jealousy not that there was, it had been more than a year and by my calculations he had most likely been dating her when her birthday came around . He smirked and I wasn't sure...

"Well that's rude!" I closed my eyes and muttered as I heard the two girls in unison and turned to see Stephanie well Nicole with her sister in their red wrestling gear.

"Well its fucking true" I shrugged, not bothering to look at them and walked off.


Fearlessly Loved By A Beast //BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now