Chapter 39

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Keep em questions coming: ) Thursday will be the last day for them; )

"Any sweet woman could terrorize a man,
But when you meet her
She will dive into your soul... "


I was staring out of the window as we flew over to Tampa. Brock had been brooding all week since the wedding. I wasn't sure why as I felt like I was the one who was meant to be upset.

I had a slight hope that he wanted more with me when he said 'our wedding' but soon after I saw the playfulness in his eyes and realized he was teasing me.

While we loved testing each other that was not something he should have brought up to annoy me with.

I had already been feeling sad all weekend due to the fact that I figured maybe once we got to a stable stage in our relationship he would want to be with me.

He had proposed to Rena not too long after dating because he knew he wanted her . We had only been together on and off for about seven months but with Brock and the way he spoke about me I figured he would have already.

But of course he threw John in my face while I wasn't even sure where John came from.

"Nicole." I glanced at him as he sat across from me.

"I said I was sorry" I sighed and nodded.

I saw him move and felt him sit next to me.

"I didn't bring it up to annoy you or hurt you baby. I just wanted to know. Sometimes I say things or look a certain way while I say things. I had no intention of hurting you. We were dancing at a wedding and it came up, I won't bring anything up about weddings or any shit like that okay?"

"Brock that's.." I wanted to stop him but what was I going to say? Don't because I want to marry you and he didn't feel the same and it would leave him feeling like he owed me.

Brock was enough, I didn't mind not being married but I just found myself wanting it when I was involved with his sister's preparations. It reminded me of each wedding I played a part in that wasn't mine. It hurt but it was just there, it wasn't because I needed it.

"I'm sick of hurting you with him. Its just easy to go there because of everything that has happened with him" I frowned as I glanced at him.

"He knew that I was , that I had a thing for you back then" he whispered.

"What do you.."

He sighed, "he'd catch me watching your matches and shit. I don't know I guess his a good reader of fucking people or something but he knew. Whenever he would see me coming he'd kiss you or do whatever just to piss me off. To show me what would never be mine.."

He stared ahead as his fingers traced circles on my thigh.

"So I fucking believed it. Why should I have fucking cared? One night and I'm stuck on a woman for years? That wasn't me but you fucking made it me. I found myself wanting to be with someone I hardly fucking knew but thought I did. One fucking night of.." He stopped himself as he cleared his throat.

"Brock I don't under.." I frowned but he quickly cut me off.

"He just kept fucking pushing my buttons. Throwing comments my way until I just got so fucking angry that I shut it all off. I made myself fucking hate you so that when he did say shit he would see there was no fucking effect. So I hated you because you were with him. I made the world think I was a fucking Beast when all I was, was a guy who didn't get the woman he wanted when he wasn't even sure why he really wanted her.
So yeah I can be ruthless and hurt people but in the end I'm just like every other guy with a name. I'm just Brock fucking Lesnar. I have a beast within me yes and I know you love that but in the end I'm just a guy baby. So I get scared of losing you. While it seemed I never cared about shit. I always cared about what you thought of me and when you were with him. Compared to him I was nothing but a rude Beast.."

Fearlessly Loved By A Beast //BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now