Chapter 34

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Our Fearless Queen is back and on SMACKDOWN with brother in law and John Cena #NenaFeels 😊😊😊😊😊

Thanks for all the well wishes regarding my post on my profile earlier today :)

Means a lot 😘😘

"Sometimes a strong woman
Just needs to be loved."


"I can't okay? It doesn't want to stay up!" I almost nagged.

Bryan was currently babysitting me for the week . Why?

Because my beastly boyfriend was finishing up his training for his blue belt in Jiu jitsu. I had wanted to go with him to watch but he was adamant against me staying away.

Did I feel offended?

Maybe, but I guess having me there would distract him, I wasn't sure.

I knew he was amused whenever I would finish up with my training and stare at him but while watching him was torture as he would grunt and groan the entire time watching him bend down with weights was an amazing view and when he went crazy on the punching bag ..

I knew he was amused whenever I would finish up with my training and stare at him but while watching him was torture as he would grunt and groan the entire time watching him bend down with weights was an amazing view and when he went crazy on the ...

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"Just do what the guy told you to Nicole" I rolled my eyes as I guess Bryan taking me to a pottery class was meant to calm me but I had no patience with the thing.

Not that he had any luck either.

Apart of me wished that Brock had time to come along as Bryan and I toured the town so that we could have our own Ghost moment but I doubted it would happen as the only time the Beast was gentle was when dealing with his kids or me, well injured me .

" Do you like managing Smackdown?" I whispered.

"Yes actually its quite fun and its like a part time job. The weekend is most busiest when we come up with the ideas and then Monday we approve and Tuesday I go in hence me being able to fly out with you guys last week . Your boyfriend invading Smackdown however?" I laughed as I remembered the fact that he hadn't even told me about it.

He simply said we could stay an extra day to wait for Bryan which I found sweet but of course I should have known.

I wanted to jump him as soon as he got back to the hotel after 'going to get some takeout' but he deserved some good hot action and injured Nikki couldn't do that so I just went to sleep before he got back.

Well pretended to sleep.

He had been so cute spooning with me, I was honestly so lucky to be The Beast's.

A week after I gave up my title and Brock despite being busy made sure he spent most of his days with me.

"He had to prove a point. Randy got him by surprise and made a fool of him and he wasn't going to leave it like that!" I smiled proudly remembering his smile .

Fearlessly Loved By A Beast //BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now