Chapter 6: "First Day"

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Reena:  Thanks for what happened yesterday my first day of school was ruined. After what happened, I didn’t feel like going back to class again. I did not want to hear my classmates whispering about me behind my back because I was called via that embarrassing method. It’s good that our homeroom teacher is kind. I really like her a lot.

I come early to class today. I am first to arrive in the classroom. This is actually my first… no, technically my second time inside a classroom. I take the seat at the back the same one I sat in yesterday.

I did not sneak in any weapons. I learned my lesson and I decided to follow Father but I do not know what will happen if I will get caught up with the council again. I will really try to become a “good” student. But I doubt it.

While waiting for the other students to come, I check my schedule for today:

8:00-8:30 Homeroom

8:30-9:30 Biology

9:30-10:30 History

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00-12:00 Math

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:00 English

2:00-3:00 Music

3:00-4:00 Geography

So this is going to be a busy day, huh? Oh well I don’t really mind. I’m actually looking forward to it and I’m going to do my best even though I suck in studying.

I wonder when will be having P.E. I consult my schedule again and learn that it is on Friday. I’m disappointed but I can’t do anything to change it, right?

The door opens.

“Oh, good morning!”

It is the girl from yesterday.

“Um…Good morning.” I reply, a bit nervous. I watch her as she places her books on her desk then approach me. She sticks out her hand.

“My name is Mariella Vonsberg. I’m the class rep of this class. If you have any concerns, just tell me, okay?”

“Reena Brightnott.” She probably knows my name already because of yesterday but I still need to be polite. “So you’re the class rep…what exactly do you do?”

Mariella stared at me blankly. I decide to explain quickly. “This is actually my first time attending a school so I don’t know a lot of things. I’m sorry.”

She smiles. “Is that so? So all this time you were home schooled? That’s typical for someone like you I guess…”

“Well…yeah…back when I was still in Lidora but my Father told me to come back here to attend school.” I say then I feel myself blushing from embarrassment. “I really don’t know a lot of things about school and I’m also not good in academics…”

“That’s okay. You will learn everything you need to know as time goes by.” Mariella says. “Even you say that you don’t know about lots of things and not good in academic, you’re really quite talented I hear…”

“Huh? Where did you hear that?” I ask, stunned.

“Many saw you face off with the members of the Disciplinary Committee yesterday, you know and news travels fast.” She says. “I just wished that I was there to see it with my own eyes.”

I chuckle. “Hahaha…thanks for the compliment.”

“No surprises there because your father is the general…it runs in your blood.” She says.

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