Day 1

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The day started as merideth sat in her bed as the sound of her alarm woke her.

"Come on mer get up, time for work!"

Lexi who was merideths sister (well half...same dad different mom..)
Anyways she jumped on her bed trying to force her to get her lazy butt up.

"Okay, okay I'm up chill lex."

Merideth started to laugh a little and she slowly got up, as so she found one of her friends Alex standing in her bathroom..

"Alex what the hell?"

He turned to face her, he looked around for something else to look at other than mer's upset face.

"Uhm yeah so lexi took over the other bathroom and the only other one is yours soo."

He turned toward the mirror while finishing up brushing his teeth and everything else.

Merideth started to run for the other bathroom before lexi could go back in.

"Sorry lex I need to use this one right now .. love ya!?"

Lexi laughed a bit and then went back to her room to get changed out of her pajamas.

First day on the job and we're starting to run late.. ugh come on mer and Alex

Lexi grew impatient but before she could just leave everyone there, they all were ready and off to their first day at Seattle grace hospital.!

About 3 hours into their new jobs at the hospital....

"Hello everybody thank you for joining me at your first look at what a surgery will look like."

Merideth looked at the man, he was very handsome. She kept looking at him and watching his every move...


That was all she managed to think.

"Now if you have any questions you can ask me I'm Dr. Shepherd"

As he began the surgery, He is mainly a crainiontomy surgeon, which means that he works on doing surgery so for the head and brain of the patient.

Merideth felt him take a quick look at her then when she saw him he quickly rushed his head the other way toward the patients head.

"So um.. this man has a tumor in his brain it is a small one and it's in the middle of the brain so what would you do?"

Merideth didn't know what to do but of course Dr. Shepherd calls on her.

"You there in the back, what's your name?"

He quickly points to mer and two people step out of her way so she can step forward.

"Um merideth"

"OK merideth what would you do since the tumor is small and can be treatable would you still do the surgery or not.?"

She tried to look around for an answer but she couldn't find one. So she finally came up with an answer and hoped that it was right.

"Well I would do the surgery still even though it's treatable, because it could still spread and It could get worse, and later on he could die because of the tumor taking over his brain"

She was shaking, and as she talked everyone could here it.

"Wow, good job merideth that's what I would have done to!"

She slowly stepped back to were she was before until she seen him quickly wink at her.

She felt her cheeks get all red..

Why am I blushing ...

She was stubborn but not to stubborn to not let herself blush.

After the brain surgery trivia was over the class started to leave but before merideth could leave Dr. Shepherd stopped her.

"Hey um could I talk to you for a second?"

She turns away from the door and walks toward him.


He smirks at her, he was so cute how could he even be real.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me, ya know this weekend?"

She froze not knowing what to do or say.

Is he asking me out? OMG HE IS quick say something before he regrets it you idiot

Finally the awkward silence was broken.

"Um yeah sure I'd love to!"

He still had that adorable smirk on his face and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.

"Can't wait"

He walked away back to his little dummy that he was using for the class to see and interact with, as she watched him she remembered that she had to go catch up with the rest of her class for the next surgery.

"Hello I'm Dr. Callie Torres but please call me Callie, I really don't link it when fellow doctors call me Dr. Torres."

Everybody laughed except for Alex, he was a bit high strung.

"Hey what did doctor perfect want you for?"

Merideth looked up at alex and punched him in the arm.


She covered her mouth to stop herself from laugh to much.

"Nothing you idiot just to talk about my answer that's all"

She was really bad at making eye contact with other people whenever someone asked her about a guy. So she basically looked everywhere else other that alex's eyes or direction.

"Mhmm I know that's not true but whatever"

He had this big smirk on his face and they had gotten through their last surgery class for the day.

"Soo, I think I like it here!"

Lexi started to say as her and merideth walked down one of the hallways trying to find the Chiefs office.

"Yeah me too"

She says in return.

Finally after a 15 minute walk they finally found the chefs office.

Merideth knocks on the door

"Come in"

A deep voice said behind the door.
So they did as told and came into the man's office.

"Hi um are you Dr. weber the um cheif?"

Merideth asked almost shaking.

"Why yes and are you....wait your Dr. Greys daughter aren't you?"

Merideth nodded her head while having this shocked look on her face.

Wait how did he know who I was and how did he know who my mom was.

She was very concerned with what the man knew but she just smiled and nodded.

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