Day 10

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"Well hi ex hubby how have you been!"

His eyes stayed widened and his mouth was shaking just like the rest of him.

"Um .. you two.. uh know each other?"

Dr. Weber asked in the most uncomfortable voice.

"Uhm no.. not anymore"

Derek tried to answer.

"Fine play the 'I don't know you' card why don't you, but Dr. Weber we do know each other me and Derek used to be married!"

The women walked over to derek and hugged him, tight she wouldn't let go.

"Um Dr. Montgomery please let go of Dr. Shepherd"

She did as told and she walked back over to the cheifs desk.

"So as you might be questioning what the hell Is going on, you are going to be training Dr. Montgomery here for her big brain tumor surgery"

Derek nodded not really knowing what to say... from what he could remember Addison (A.K.A Dr. Montgomery) she knew how to do brain surgery and everything that had to do with the brain.

"So go ahead and you can leave all of your surgeries to me and go teach Dr. Montgomery"

So they left the cheifs office and walked to Derek's 'office'

As they walked in Addison wouldn't look away from derek and she kept purposely bumping into him.

"Okay here we are"

Derek said as he closed the door.

"Now tell me why your really here Addison, you know exactly what your doing on brain tumors, why are you here"

She looked at him closely and smirked a bit.

"Oh Derek, how I missed you to much I came here to get you back"

She started to hug him and grasp him everywere.

As she kept doing merideth was on the way over to see Derek for there lunch break. But as she began to open the door she heard voices.

So she slowly opened the door to see Derek kissing Addison.

"What the?"

Merideth started to mummble.

She started to close the door when she finally closed it the small clicking noise echoed in the room.

Both Addison and Derek heard and stopped what they were doing to go and see who was there.

As Derek went to go look nobody was there, but he looked down to see a bag with a sticky note and remembered.

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