Day 13

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Christina walked back into the hospital and ran across dereks office were she slowly walked backwards to see addison and Derek basically making love.

"What the hell?"

Christina was furious how could Derek do this to mer, so she need to get proof to show merideth, she took out her phone and quickly took a picture.


She mumbled to herself and ran back out of the hospital forgetting why she ran back in.

But at least she could show mer what happened.

Back at merideths house lexi had just gotten into the shower when she heard a knock on the door.

Thinking it was merideths she quickly wrapped herself up in a towel and opened the door. But It wasn't merideth.

"Hey, look can we talk?"

She slammed the door.

"God mark what the hell are you doing here?"

He laughs a bit then starts to explain.

"Look I needed to talk to you about what happened earlier at the hospital I kn-"

Lexi opened the door dragged him into the bathroom and kissed him.

Merideth was getting ready for bed as she heard her phone go off.

It was christina..

Text start:

C: hey I have some news

M: well can it wait?

C: what hell no

M: okay what is it

C: why don't I just show you:....

Texts ends.

Christina text mer the picture and merideth was very upset...

She stared at the picture all night until she fell asleep.


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