Day 20

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After what happened last night merideth woke up to the worst headache of all time.

"Ugh ... derek?! What on earth are-"

She was cut off by Derek giving her a kiss.

"Morning to you too"

He says with a smirk on his face. She rolls her eyes and climbs out of bed, as she walks toward her bathroom she felt warm arms wrap around her waist.

"Hello I'm trying to brush my teeth here!"

He turns her around to face him as he laughs, she starts to step on her tip toes to kiss Derek before pushing him away so she could brush her teeth.

Meanwhile lexi awoke to her self having a major hangover as she rolled over, she noticed that she wasn't laying next to mark she was laying next to alex.

"Alex what the hell"

She mumbled to herself so she didn't wake up Alex, she looked around to see their clothes everywere.

She sat up and grabbed the sheet around her and ran out of her room to the bathroom.

"Hey you okay?"

Lexi quickly turned around to face merideth.

"Yeah... I.. um I'm fine"

Lexi turned away trying not to freak out about what she did.

"Lex look just because you and alex-"

"NO merideth just shut up, okay I know I f*ucked up ok I know but at least mark won't know about this"

Merideths eyes shot wide open and she started to feel her heart stop.

"Okay lexi I'm sorry to even try and have a civil conversation with my sister."

Lexi rolled her eyes and she pushed merideth away and ran back into her room and slamming the door.

Merideth went back to her room and got dressed for work and decided to call Christina so that they could go and grab a coffee before going to work.

After they had coffee they went to work.

"So you and Dr. Dreamy huh?"

Christina asks as she started to laugh.
Merideth started to blush as she ended up bombing into Christina almost pushing her over.

"What ever Christina, so what about you and Dr. Burk huh? I have seen you guys sneaking around?!"

Christina rolled her eyes as she left merideth and walked inside the hospital.

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