Day 9

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After the surgery was over izzy ran all the way back to Dennys room and when she got there he was gone, but a clipboard was on the bed.

She walked over to it and she picked it up to see that he had been released from the hospital.


She sat down on the bed with her face covered.

Alex was on his way to see the cheif when he passed the room that izzy was in, he stopped in the door way watching as she layed on the bed just staring at the ceiling.

"Knocks knock... you okay ?"

He started to enter the room as she just layed still.

"Hey look denny asked me to..."

He stopped, denny had asked him not to tell izzy that he bribed Alex to let him out.

"You what?!"

She started to get up from her spot and start to scream.

"Well you see he asked me while I was finishing up with his I.V. and he said that if I release him then he would pay me a couple hundred dollars.."

She looked at alex for a moment and started to tear up. She said nothing and grabbed Dennys chart while leaving the room and alex.

Later in the day lexi was on her way to the cafeteria to get her some coffee and an apple, but she ran into mark.

"Hey lexi, you didn't call me yesterday.. is something wrong?"

Lexi and mark went on a date and she was supposed to call him but she didn't...

"Oh yeah I um well."

Mark's face was squinted a bit.

"Look if you didn't want to go out with me then why didn't you say so"

Mark started to leave as lexi stood there in her spot watching him leave.

Derek was called down to the cheifs office for a new intern that he had to train.
When Derek got there he walked into the room and couldn't belive his eyes..

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