Day 12

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Later on the day was ending for merideth, Alex, lexi, and Christina as they were making there way out of the hospital, Christina pulled merideth as side to tell her about her chat with derek.

"Christina look I'm sorry about what happened earlier it's just seeing him with another person who is all touchy Feely is hard"

Christina stood there nodding and figiting.

"Okay look I talked to derek earlier and might have told him that you were hurt and stuff .."

Merideths face was expressionless and she just left Christina to go catch up to with the others.

Back at the hospital addison was doing practice surgery before leaving until Derek walked into the office.

"Oh sorry Derek, I like to get a practice run in before I go home.. ya know?!"

He nods and he makes his way to his desk.

"So I overheard your conversation with the nurse... what was her name again, Christina?"

Derek froze in his place while listing.

"So you have a girlfriend, was it the one who you messed around with, and who is your traine"

He turned to face her and started to walk towards her.

"Look I love her okay and you and me are nothing anymore, you ruined us with your little cheating scandals, Maybe I wounding be with her if you kept on cheating."

Addison stood up from her seat and went to go hug derek, but not long after until she kissed him and he kissed her back...


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