Day 16

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Derek was walking down one of the halls when he was done walking addison out of the hospital and to her car.

He then ran into Christina who was NOT Afraid to speak her mind.

"WHO the hell do you think you are?"

She started to yell, good thing really no one was on their floor at the moment because she was screaming at him.

"Christina what are you talking about?"

She looked at him with a shocked look on her face.

"Derek you chested on merideth with your ex wife?"

He looked around to try and avoid her face, tension started to build as he tried to walk away from her.

"No you are not leaving until I get an explanation from you right now"

He stood there hoping that silence could buy his way out.
But it's Christina yang if you don't answer then we'll you don't wanna find out..

"Fine she, well I still have feelings for her, but I didn't realize I did until she came back and she is just amazing. And -"

"AND what about mer, she is the most amazing person I know and addison is nothing link her at all, she is cold hearted and only here to hurt you and mer's relationship."

Derek's eyes widened and he laughed.

"Ruin our relationship really Dr. Yang I highly doubt that she hardly even knows about merideth and merideth doesn't know so why ate we even having this conversation?"

She rolled her eyes and slapped him in the face.

"She did know I told her and gave her prove that you were cheating on her with addison so what now pretty boy" She started to walk away from him with an upset face, that's when he started to feel regret about what he did...

Thank you guys for all of the support and thank you for reading, I'm starting to have wrighters block so please comment what should happen next, it would be helpful!!!!

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