Day 14

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Merideth was startled by the sound of Alex banging on her door.

"Come on mer were going to be late"

She shook her head and quickly got to her feet while shouting back at him.

"God Alex why don't you go annoy someone else"

On the other side of the door Alex rolled his hazel eyes while going across the hall to lexis room.

Merideth looked over at her phone and decided to call off work and she lied and said she was sick..

It worked she stayed home all day and tried not to think about Derek as much as she did.

later on in the day Christina was to busy following Derek around like a little puppy. She was watching his every move when he was with addison.

"Dr. Yang, you have missed your two surgeries in the past hour."

Christina turned to face Dr. Bailey and Dr. Weber and she was a little upset.

"Look I'm sorry okay, I have been a little distracted and-"

Dr. Bailey cut her off.

"A little distracted?!?! A surgeon shout never EVER be distracted, if you want to keep this job then you need to be focused and ready... do I make my self clear?!"

Christina stood there frozen while she tries to nod her head.


Dr. Weber and Dr. Bailey walked back to the O.R. room were they took over Christina's surgeries.

Christina was ready to look for Derek when all of a sudden she heard laughing... laughing coming from one room, the one room that is used for doctor and nurses personal fun...

As she walked closer toward the door, she saw Derek and addison....


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