Day 7

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The day started for half of the new hospital recruits. Alex walked into one of the O.R. rooms prepping himself for his third surgery, while in the middle of washing his hands he heard someone start talking to him.

"Hey your Alex right?"

He looks up from his hands at sees a blonde women standing there watching him.

" Y-yeah"

She laughed at him and smiled.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go hang after work?"


"Oh yeah sure!"

He pulled a small smile on his face, she started to walk away but as she got to the exit she turned toward him again.

"Izzy, my names izzy"

She walked out of the prepping room and left. Alex walked into the O.R. and had other nurses prep him up by helping him put his gloves and everything on.

"Dr. Karev your late"

Dr. Hunt started to sound a little upset at him.

"Sorry sir."

So after the silence Alex started to help with the surgery and he started to feel nauseous, he almost vomited just from seeing the intestines.

"Dr. Karev are you okay, do you need to step out?"

"No.. no I'm good, can someone tell me at least what happened to this poor kid?"

One of the nurses went to go grab the kids charts that says what he did and what happened.

"Well this boys name is jake Bolton and he had drove him and his friends into a tree and the car caught on fire, and everyone had gotten out except him."

Alex looked at the kid in the face and realized that he looked like he could be 17. He was a little in his feelings and it had gotten the best of him.

So he left he walked out of the O.R. and took the elevator down into the lobby were the boys mother was.

When he found his mother he walked up to her to talk to her about what happened to her son.

"Ma'am are you Mrs. Bolton?"

She nods.

"Well your idiot son had drove into a tree and the car caught fire and it exploded with him in it."

She covered her mouth and started to cry. Tears rushing down her face.

"My son .. my son would never take the car and drive without my permission"

Alex rolled his eyes.

"We are trying the best we can but I'm going to need you to stay here.. okay?"

She nods as Alex started to run all the way back to the O.R. to help this boy get through surgery.


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