Day 15

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As Christina closely watched she grabbed her phone to call merideth.

"Come on come on pick up.."

Nothing, no answer, merideth was devastated from what had happened a day ago but with all of this new info Christina didn't think it was a good idea anymore to tell her best friend that Derek was still having these affairs.

"Hey Alex were is izzy, I thought you guys were going on a lunch date?"

Christina watched as lexi was kind of upset about Alex going on lunch dates with izzy, even though they have been dating for a couple of months now.

"Well I kinda feel bad about merideth, and how we just left her at home, I mean she must be really sick she loved coming to work."

Lexi nodded her head in agreement.
But she ignored the fact and patted his back while walking away.

As lexi was on her way to one of her surgeries she ran into mark, her one and only... douchbag...

"Hey lex!"

She ignored him and continued to walk away from him.

"Lexi, hey don't ignore me like that, come on lexi pleas3 I only want to talk"

She stopped and ran into his arms while crying to him and how much she missed him. She couldn't stand being away from Mark for so long, but she had to test him.

"Look mark I'm sorry that I haven't been answering your calls or texts but, merideth hasn't been herself lately and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with her."

He aced his hand on her cheek while pulling her face towards his.

"Don't worry, you don't have to explain, I belive you"

They kissed one last time before she headed back for her surgery.

Hey guys!! I cantt belive how much you guys are liking this story😄😄😄

I am not a great wrighter but I tried and I have a lot of readers so far!!!

And I just wanted to say thank you for reading my story!! And sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I have been busy with school shopping!!

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