Day 6

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Merideth awoke about an half an hour later and she felt a little sick.

But it was just because she hasn't really eaten and she was starving.

"Hey your up!"

Merideths head was pounding but she forced herself up and seen her best friend Christina yang standing by the bed.

"Yup.. I'm up"

She had a nervous look on her face as she started to stand up, as she did she started to walk over to the bathroom to take a shower.

"So Derek found me in surgery today, and told me something."

Christina started time yell.

"Oh .. did he"

Silence. Christina broke the silence by always ruining things with her opinions.

"You know if you wanted to have a baby then you should have been married first and had it with the right guy, not some first lover thing at a hospital?!"

Merideth had gotten a little upset at what she said but she hoped that If she ignored Christina's comment then she would change the subject or leave.

"Look I'm not trying to offend you but, look before I met Owen I was knocked up and I was alone with know one to help me or anything. My boyfriend at the time broke up with me and I lost the baby a month after."

Merideth still didn't speak.

"Look I'm just trying to say that I don't want you to have to go through what I went through."

Christina was about to leave when merideth got out of the bathroom and hugged her.

"Thank you, and I know that you will be here for me when I need you, and Derek promised that he will be here every step of the way"

The both started to cry, but they didn't want to show it.

"Look I um gotta go back my second surgery is starting soon so um"

They laughed and let go of each other. Merideth watched as Christina left, and she walked back into the bathroom to dry her hair.

"Another surgery, goodie"

She said to herself and then rubbed her stomach.

Hey guys I'm sorry for the short chapters I have been really busy and the only time that I have tk wright is like 3 am.
         But I really am trying lol I hope you enjoy

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