Day 17

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After dereks encounter with Christina he realized that he needed to make a Desicion about who he wants to be with...

Addison was his ex wife and they did have a wonderful relationship but they split when Derek had to move away for this hospital job.

But merideth was his intern and she was nice to him and she loved him a lot but he wasn't sure that they had something.

"What am I going to do?"
Derek buried his face in his hands while sitting in the empty hallway of the hospital.

"You having trouble with something dr. Shepherd?"

Derek looks up to see Dr. Weber looking confused with his arms crossed.

"No sir I'm just tired and need to go home"
Weber nodded his head and helped Derek up from his spot.

"Hey sir, you used to date dr. Greys mother right?"

The cheifs face lit up and he nodded his head slowly..

"I kinda did why are you asking me?"

Derek looked around the room trying to avoid Weber eyes.

"Well you have been around merideth for a while and you know a lot about her so I was wondering if she is a good person ever body says she is"

Dr. Weber smiled a bit and patted dereks shoulder

"Well looks like you might have to find out for yourself"

He started to walk away when he stopped to turn towards Derek, derek started to get out his phone to text merideth when he got a text from addison....


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