Day 23 (part 1)

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After merideth had found the note she buried it deep in her closet with the rest of the unpacked cramped boxes.

"Rise and shine!!!"

She heard her bubbly sister scream from up and down the halls.
She couldn't belive that now being a resident and stuck with her having her intern sister live with her basically everywere she goes.

As she was finishing getting ready she started to feel sick and quickly ran to her bathroom.
She kneeled down before the toilet and pulled her hair back to make sure that when she threw up she didn't get any in her hair.

"Mer are you in here?"

She heard Cristina knock on the door and opened it without letting merideth get out any words.

She quickly noticed that merideth was puking not just anything it was blood she quickly grabbed her keys and picked merideth up and basically dragged her to her car.

When she got merideth to the car she quickly buckled up and started to drive to the hospital, derek saw that Cristina had started to pull in and as he was about to give her a long lecture about being late he had noticed mer in the front seat with alot of blood on her face.

"What the hell happened to her Cristina?"

She looked at him in shock she quickly opened the door for merideth and started to scream for a Gurnee.

"God damnit Cristina talk to me what the hell happened to her?!"

She stopped what she was doing as she noticed more doctors came and helped so she could talk to derek.

"Okay so when I got there she was in the bathroom just sitting there until she started to.. well ya know throw up, and I thought it was nothing until I started seeing blood."

Derek's eyes shot up and looked everywere but Christina not believing a word she had just said, when she was finished talking they both ran as fast as they could inside to find out were they took merideth.

"Dr. stevens we could really use your help right about now"


Bailey shouts from every corner of the hospital room as she can paging the residence left and right.

Finally they start rolling in like a bunch of stray animals running to get food.

"Sorry Dr. Bailey i-"
Bailey cut her off

"Well don't be sorry to me, be sorry to dr. Grey here who could REALLY USE YOUR HELP"

She started to slowly Raise her voice to everyone. Soon they noticed her heart Rate increase and that she had continually been puking up blood.

"Oh .. fudge um stevens?! Page Dr. Webber and page him 911.. NOW"

Izzy quickly does as told and pages the cheif. The cheif looked at merideth like she was his own daughter and he always thought of her that way and will never stop looking at her that way.

As they waited for the cheif to get there they had to slow her heart rate and find the cause if the bleeding so they can figure out a way to stop it.

About a couple minutes of waiting the cheif runs into the room and sees merideth on the table looking pale.

"What the hell happened to her Bailey?"

He said looking furious, she looked at him with opened eyes and stuttered a bit.

"I..I dont know s..sir that's what we're trying to figure out now"

Finally as there talking about what is going on Derek runs into the room and tells everyone...

"She didn't want me to tell anyone but if this will save her life... she is pregnant and it's my baby so please if you want to fire me go ahead I loved her as my intern and I still love her even as my resident."

They all looked at Derek while alex had to open his big mouth.

"Dude, you knocked up my best friend?"

Izze punched him in his side for him to shut up, but Derek ran over to alex and punched him across his face leaving him with blood spilling from his nose.

Yelling and arguing started to stir up in the room as everybody started to split them up.

"KAREV go in the hall NOW... and you Dr. Shepherd we will have a discussion about this later but for right now we need to see if there is any trauma with the baby or anything else so from further on you will not be a doctor to merideth you will be her ... baby daddy and wait like every other baby daddy for an update, so go .... NOW"

Bailey and webber both scream at him to go as Dr. Sloan walks into the room to grab him out

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