Day 23 (part 2)

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For about an hour later mark had been trying to keep dereks mind off of merideth and losing her with drinks while they were both on call and shouldn't really be drinking, or at least mark shouldn't be

Back at the hospital Dr. Bailey was trying to figure out why the hell Derek Shepherd had this affair with an intern now resident...

"Cheif I think we should go inform Dr. Shepherd what's going on with mer don't you think?"

Izzy had mumbled trying to see if the cheif would consider the idea and not yell at her since she gentle said the idea

"Ugh Steven's fine but it's you who has to inform him since it was your idea"

Izzy smiled a little and quickly ran towards the waiting room with derek know where in sight.
As she ran everywere looking for Derek she couldn't find him, when she got back to the room were Dr. Bailey and the cheif were studying merideths consults they both looked at her like they have just seen a ghost.

"Let me guess stevens he isn't here?"

Dr. Bailey looked back at the consults and waited for the response that she already knew the answer to.

"STEVEN'S we don't have time for your games, tell us if he is here or not?!"

Izzy looked everywere but their faces and mumbled.

"Speak up stevens"

Izzy looked at Miranda and started to say something.

"Dr. Bailey, Dr. Shepherd isn't here neither is Dr. Sloan"

Dr. Bailey and the cheif quickly exchanged looks and knew exactly were they would be.

"Dr. Stevens go to Joe's and don't come back unless you have both of my highly skilled doctors here and don't screw this up"

Izzy quickly ran out of there and went over to Joe's to see if Derek and mark were there.

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