Day 24

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As izzy was on her way to go and get mark and Derek. Dr. Bailey and the cheif were both still trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong inside of merideths system that could be causing her to vomit up blood.

As they stood there for a while Bailey had this realization face and she turned to the cheif and then stuttered all her words.

"Merideth could.. Oh my god... she could..."

The cheif grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes

"Common Bailey speak"

As Bailey took a deep breath she nodded.

"She could have cancer"

Silence broke, and everyone looked st ecah other with worry upon their faces.

"She cant her mother never had it, and as far as I know ne ik ther did her father" Richard said.

Bailey looked at him and put her hand on his arm.

"Look let's control her vomiting and then let's take her to get a MRI." Bailey looked concerned and didnt know what to do.

She had felt like all the weight was being toppled into her and nobody else wanted to help.

As richard tried to help control mer alex and Lexi both put in Effort to help him.

"Guys you go" richard started

"We got this, Karev you are basically family and other grey you are her sister so family cant be in here.. you must go wait in the waiting room" Richard's face fell knowing that he could of used their help he still made them leave.

So that way they didnt have to witness her death if anything bad happened.

"Ok miranda, we need some help page all available nurses"

Bailey nodded and rushed over the her pager which had been on the side of a metal table.

As she called for a good 5 nurses she rushed back to webber and tried her best to help maintain the vomiting.

Once everything cooled down, the nurses and bailey along with richard all took mer up to get an MRI done.

After they did her MRI they noticed nothing. There was not sign of her having cancer and there was no sign of anything wrong.

"How is she coughing up blood then. This makes no sense" bailey looked at the screen with confusion on her face.

Until she noticed something in her upper abdomen.They noticed one of her kidneys had burst causing blood to come out and over filling her which is making her vomit up blood.

"Oh thank god there, it's her kidney. Quick uh page an O.R and let's get this surgery done" bailey clapped her hands together making everybody rush.

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