Day 4

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The next day


Morning came as merideth awoke to lexi right next to her.


She screamed almost waking Alex up.

"What, what I'm up chill"

Lexi woke up looking kind of confused at first then looked at merideth with straight face.

"Sorry, I heard Derek drop you off last night and I couldn't sleep so I decided to come and sleep in here."

Merideth laughed a little then shrugged her shoulders.

"well next time you decide to come in my room at 2 in the morning then pre warn me" 

they both laughed and forced them selves to get up for work. lexi quickly rushed toward the bathroom before alex could, merideth was the only one who had their own bathroom.

" hey lex hurry the hell up, im in need of a shower to" 

alex started to bang on the door loudly. lexi had had enough and got out of the shower rushing herself to get dressed and put makeup on.

" ok hold on alex you need to chill" 

she was finally done and went down into the kitchen for some food, being the first one done meant waiting forever for the others to get done. when every body was done with their morning routine.

" okay mer i know it doesnt take you this long to get ready, so hurry up man !" 

merideth wasnt feeling really good, she thought it was the lack of sleep, but while s\he was thinking she threw up.

"hey mer you okay?"

alex walked into merideths bathroom and seen her throwing up.

"im .. im fine"

she got up from throwing herself on the floor and walked over to alex who was standing by the door of her bathroom.

"  look mer i can tell the cheif that your not feeling good and you can stay home"

she shook her head and walked downstairs to the kitchen ate something.

"so you ready for today?"\

mer shrugged and put on a smile.

"look lexi im not feeling good right now so im gonna need you to drive me to work i dont think i can take the bus its to crazy"

lexi laughed a little and nodded, all three of them walked to lexis car and drove off to the hospital.

when they walked into the hospital the assistant cheif Dr. Bailey walked up to them and gave them their surgeries for the day.

merideth walked over to the elevators and started to push the 'up' button, and just before the elevators opened low in behold derek was in the elevators.


she smiled and walked slowly into the elevator.

"you ok?"

she looked over at him in a worried face.

" look after yesterday i have been feeling funny.."


he started to slowly drop his smile.

"yeah, i... i think i know whats wrong but im not sure yet i mean i do have morning sickness..."

they looked away from each other and stared around the elevator. finally the elevator opened on the third floor.

"well ill see you after work, k?"

merideth looked at him and nodded. while starting her day with her first real surgery.

lexi on the other hand was across the room from a handsome doctor who kept eyeing her to. finally she had the courage to walk up to him and talk.

"hey im lexi a-and i was just wondering if ya know wanted to hang out after work?"

the man smirked at her and laughed.

"whats so funny?"

She started to look a little upset

" hey im mark .. i mean Dr.Sloan but you can call me mark"

she blushed a bit.

" and yeah i would like to go out sometime after work, how about tonight?"

she smiled and started to walk away to go and work on her schedule.

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