Day 21

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As the day started to end merideth had to work an over night shift at the hospital.

As she had just finished her last surgery practice for the day she walked towards the sink to was her hands.

"Look I might not be the best with people.. especially nice people but your my person my best friend the only one who gets me out of bed in the morning because we both compete on who gets the worst patient.... so ya deal with me being a total b*itch about everything just please forgive me mer"

Merideth started to laugh and hugged Christina.

"And your my person too!"

Christina backed away from her hug with a disgusted face... she hated hugs no matter how hard she tried to be 'nice' she never could fall through.

"Well now that you have forgiven me I have to go, I have to go Burke is waiting for me downstairs"

Merideth looked at her and laughed a litlle.

"Okay you have fun!"

Christina rolled her eyes while trying not to laugh, when she started to leave she saw Derek trying to make his way to go were mer was.

Christina walked up to him and turned him around and pushed him.

"Hey what was that for!"

He tried to push her aside but couldn't.

"Your staying away from her you here me, that is my best friend and she means everything to me... that is my person so stay away"

She quickly started to walk away as Derek stood were he was and watched through the door as merideth was finishing up with washing her hands and getting almost cleaned up.

He sighed and decided that Christina was right he should stay away.

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