Day 18

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A: hey Derek!!! Just wanted to let you know that I met someone last night who I think is amazing for me, and I'm so sorry to say this but we can't go on ... you'll find that special someone soon enough I will forever have a place for you in my heart!!!

Derek breaths out in relief, she just made his choice a whole lot easier.

Merideth and lexi were out at the mall for no good reason, except lexi was going on a date with Mark and she wanted her sister there to help.

"Look lexi if your going on a date with Mark your going to need more than just a dressy shirt."
Merideth jokes around with lexi and looks around the store for a dress that says 'hi I'm lexi and I'm desperate!'

Lexi finally found the dress she liked, a navy blue short ruffled sleeveless dress.

"Thanks merideth for e-"

Lexi was cut off by the sound of merideths phone ringing.

"Hey lexi hold on for a second k?"

She nods her head and stays were she is while merideth walked away for a second to talk on the phone.

"Hey merideth can we talk?"

"Talk? Talk about what?"

"I need to talk to you about something that is very important to me"

Merideth had a concerned look on her face

"I need to know we're to meet up with you first"

Derek laughs on the other side

"I need you to meet me at our spot in the hospital, see you soon"

He hangs up before merideth can get a word out.

She smiles a bit then remembered about lexi, she runs back to lexi and told her what happened.

After merideth drops lexi off at the house merideth drives ba,k to the hospital.

Once she gets there she was suprised.

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