Day 11

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The day went by and merideth avoided any contact with Derek or addison.

She walked passed him a couple times on purpose to see what he was doing with her and she saw that every time he accomplished something or she accomplished something he would kiss her...

"Hey you seen how 'friendly' that new girl is with derek..."

Merideth heard a voice behind her and quickly turned to face the person..

"Oh my God Christina you scared the hell out of me"

The both laughed a bit.

"Sorry, but seriously do you see that, she's basically begging for it."

Merideth looked at Christina with a strict face.

"Okay I get it Mc. Dreamy I'd yours"

She rolled her eyes and left.

"Hey mer don't get mad at me if it's the truth!"

She started to yell. But merideth just kept on walking ignoring her best friend.

Who is she to think that Derek is... ugh I give up

Merideth kept repeating those thoughts all day. Soo she had bummed into Derek in the hallway while he was alone for once.

"Hey mer!"

She looked up at him with a straight but upset face and turned while basically running toward the elevators.

She kept on pushing the up button but the elevators were taking there sweet time opening, Derek walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Merideth please tell me what's wrong?"

She shook her head and walked away from were they were standing.
Christina watched as the while thing happened and walked over to derek

"Look man I get it you like merideth and all but you really hurt her today and she doesn't like to show her feelings but she is really hurt.."

Derek had a confused look on his face.

"Hurt? Why is she hurt"

Christina rolled her eyes and patted his back

" I don't know why don't you go and figure that out."

She left him there to think about what she said.


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