Day 2

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The next day....

      Merideth couldn't sleep after her tall with the cheif.

He knew who I was and my mother...

She couldn't stop that thought, she wanted to know who he was to her mother. Soo like any good doctor would she went up to the hospital and asked Derek  (Dr. Shepherd)  .. to get her, her mother's files.

Finally when she got them she left the hospital and did some research on her mother and the cheif.

About a couple hours later she realized that the cheif and her mother had secret affairs with each other.


She couldn't keep this to her self but she had to, so when morning came and she had to go to her first day doing actual surgery's, she felt uncomfortable going back there and seeing the cheif.

"Hey mer? Why are you so quiet?"

Lexi was being overly worried about merideths silence.

"Oh I'm tired that's all, lex don't be so worried k? Just think we have our first surgeries today!!!!!"

She tried to pull on a smile and forced herself to laugh along with lexi.

When they got to the hospital they all went to the changing room and all got their scrubs and coats on.

"Okay, hi everyone I'm Dr. bailey and I'm here to give you your schedules."

She handed everyone their schedules except for merideth.

She looked confused.

"Um were is my schedule?"

Dr. Bailey raised an eyebrow at her and took a step closer.

"Your merideth, right?"

She nodded at her.

"Okay so your going to be working with Dr. Shepherd today he will be your mentor for a little while."

Merideths face started to warm up she tried to stop herself from blushing again.

"Oh okay!"

She tried not to sound to happy about working with her crush.

Lexi raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

Alex just laughed, and merideth slapped him when Dr. Bailey left.

"Shut up, Alex seriously stop"

Lexi looked utterly confused, she felt left out just because she had no idea what they were talking about.

"What are you guys talking about?"

They didn't answer, they just stared  at her and laughed as they left.

Lexi on the other hand us a little upset that her sister and friend wouldn't talk to her.

"Well hey!"

Merideth looked up from the floor to see Derek standing right next to her.

"Oh sorry I'm just a bit distracted"

She looked a little lost in her thoughts.

"Oh well would you like to talk about it?"

Talk about it? How could I tell him that the cheif slept with my mom all the time in the nurses lounge.

"Oh um ... ok fine"

They sat down and she told him everything that she had found out, and she felt a little relived telling someone.

His eyes widened and his mouth parted from each other.

"Wow. I'm sorry that you had to find out a couple years later after she died."

He hugged her.

"It's fine I mean it's better I find out on my own anyways because she would have never told me."

She forced a smile.

"Well how about we start on the surgery and try to forget about that for a little while k?"

She nodded and they went to work on the dummy for more surgery practice.

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